Only one movie about Khalka nailed this important part of the Marvel character

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Will there be another movie about Khalk? Oh, I’m sure Bruce Banner Mark Rufala will soon appear in the Marvel cinematic universe, probably in “Avengers: Judgment” and/or “Secret Wars”. But Of -was universal images that support ownership to some rights to the Hulk movie, Currently, Marvel Studios can only present it as a member of the ensemble.

The first and only solo movie Marvel Studios has not achieved great success. Incredible Hulk 2008 received an average response and still stands like early black sheep series. The star of this movie Edward Norton has been converted And the movie got only Direct continued, from all images, “Captain America: Brave New World.” But not so-“Unimaginable Hulk “was not the first movie about Khalki.

“Incredible Hulk” came out of the plans for the continuation of the movie Ang Li 2003 “Hulk”. This movie also Received non -working answers when released (for various reasons than “incredible halk” will be too talking, not too small). Thus, the “incredible halk” had to be a soft reset, with a new acting and more orientation.

That is why “incredible Hulk” missed origin, except for the sequence of headlines, starting from the bar banner (Norton) to run in South America (no accident where “Hulk” left Eric Bana flag). The film felt like “fugitives” in how the “incredible” series “was an incredible halk, and a beam at the run from a jugified General Ross (William Hart). But, missing the “halk” material, previously covered, the cinematographic universe Marvel left its canonical halk incomplete character.

What was understood by “Hulk” Ang Lee, and what McU never touched is that Hulk was in Bruce banner long before he got to Gamma Radiation.

It was not a gamma -radiation that made the bar flag in halk

“Incredible Hulk” 1962 (Stan Lee and Jack Kirby) presents Bruce banner as a scientist working on “G-Bomba” in New Mexico before he got into her explosion and states. It was a sophisticated, timely battle prerequisite for B-Science: J. Robert Oppenheimer cursed the force of its devastating creation. The “Incredible Hulk” cover asks: “He is a man or a monster or … both?” Assuming a banner and a halk are two halves. And yet the story itself creates a solid wall between them. The character’s bayonet or The contrast between a mycal scientist and a muscle rough.

Before the Internet gave people the opportunity to read virtually any comic book, old Marvel problems can easily fall out of print or achieve. This meant that the known issues would be reprinted, or new questions are reminded by the origins of the heroes. For example, “Awesome Spiderman” #50 most famous as “spider-man, more” but it also retells the origin of Peter Parker When he remembers why he became a spider person first.

“Incredible Hulk” 1985 Bill Montla and Mike Miniol (Being creator Hellboy) Restarted the origin of Khalki – but it opened further than the original issue. The father of Bruce Banner, Brian, was a nuclear mill. He was paranoid that his work mutated his genes, and therefore, first of all, his wife Rebecca was only wary. On the other Bruce, he was born, Brian stared at him as a monster. His fears seemed confirmed when the beam showed an abnormally high intelligence in the boy, and Brian physically turned to him and Rebecca.

“Incredible Hulk” #377 (Peter David and Artist Dale Keun) returns to Bruce’s childhood when Dr. Leonard Samson gives Hulk’s hypnotherapy. It turns out that Brian was even worse: Rebecca grew up with him and tried to leave him with her son, so Brian beat her to death before the beam.

Piter David’s “Khalki” mileage lasted more than 100 numbers, and one of his key innovations was to write a barber that suffered from dissociative identity disorder. The original halk, which had gray skin and medium intelligence, was restored as a separate alternative ego from later and better -known green khalk. Bruce developed these characters as a child as people who could protect him from his father’s abuse; That’s why Hulk wants to stay most at rest, and fierce when people attack him (and Bruce). Why does Green Hulk have baby intelligence? That’s because in thought he or one.

Now this or Retakan, and clearly not about what Lee or Kirby thought when creating a khalk. But it is nice Retcon, As a magnet who survived the Holocaust, The one that deepens the character of the khalk and makes it a tragedy deeper than the crazy science. Ang Lee, of course, thought.

Hulk Ang Lee explores a violent childhood Bruce Baner

“Hulk” enng Lee focuses on his story about the relationship of Bruce with his father, renamed David Banner (Nick Nolta). In this film, David was a scientist who researched the gamma -radiation as a way to improve cell regeneration (and thus healing a person). Forbidden from a person’s tests, he experimented and conveyed his changed DNA to the bar. In the end, he regretted it, but after he was fired and left unable to cure his son, decided to kill him and deprive him of a timber (and the world) from the horrific destiny. Bruce’s mother (renamed Edith) tried to protect the beam, and David accidentally stabbed her.

This is a bit of a khalk origin. This makes the gamma -pre -examination of the bar unlock what was inside it all the time, not transformed it. But it still gets the essence of the story and elegantly adds a new perspective; Hulk is the epitome of the scars that Bruce’s father left on it, so this edition only makes this more literal and related to the science fiction of history.

Need, though there is, I’m still not sure that “halk” – a great movieBut Nolte gives excellent performance. David’s gloss eyes on the screen, especially in the climax where he and the beam speak before they turn and encountered as titans. He is awful, but for him there is a aura of sadness – as he says, you can say that when he regretted how his life turned out, he does not blame himself. David complains the most he tried to kill the beam but that he failure And instead he lost his wife. When David affects the beam, he feels desirable and predatory, unlike his father’s attachment.

David calls Khalka his “true” son, and the beam is only “the husk of contrived consciousness is ready to break for a moment,” but wants to steal the power of Khalk for himself. “I gave you life, now you have to bring it back,” David Bruce requires, as every narcissist father insisted on his child (if not always so literally).

Compare Nolte’s performance to Khalka with his main role in “Arin” Paul Schroeder about the town of New England named Wade Whitehaus. Titular suffering is how the father of alcoholic Wade Glenn (James Cober) abused them. Being an adult, Wade inherited sins and spiral of his parents until he ended even worse than him. After he played the abused son, and then in the “Halka” he continued this cycle, playing his insulting father.

How did Marvel Cinematic Universe investigate Hulk’s suffering?

I understand why “incredible halk” did not revise the childhood of Bruce Banner and Brian/David banner. If you strive for the fresh start, you don’t want to turn away Exactly the same land What the last movie did. But at 17 years old McU movies have never been once She looked back at who was a banner before he was hack.

“Avengers” do the strongest work by studying how Bruce banner lives with “another guy” in gift. He is “always angry,” he says; Hulk is not a dark part of it, closed, it hides under the surface, demanding only a slight jolt – or to surrender from the bar – to get out. The film does a great job by creating terror in its first half; Everyone speaks with fear of the monster, and when he finally goes next to the black widow (Scarlet Johansson), she runs and hides from him the way the final girl runs from the leverage.

But since then “Tor: Ragnarok”, Hulk has become more and more hero of comic relief. “Avengers: Endgame” went the farthest, finding that the beam united with two characters; Now he spends most of his time “like himself”, but in the body of Khalk. Just because it happened outside the screen for a certain time, as a result, there is zero catharsis. Bruce banner and halk are in a constant struggle, so it is easily one of the most convincing and layered characters Marvel, but the movies have written it off as inconvenience to get rid of.

Handeer Khalka Ang Lee Live in Marvel Comics

I suspect that Al -Ying, the writer of the famous comic “Immortal Khalk”, is an “Khalki” supporter. The first issue of “Immortal Khalka” (painted by Joe Beneta) ends on the Bruce page, which looks in the mirror when Hulk looks at him angrily. Compare it with the stage in “Khalka”, where the bar represents how Khalka’s fist crashed on the other side of the mirror in which he looks.

“Immortal Hulk” opens up to set up a series: the beam goes into the run and pursues the reporter. But from there he reoriented the basics of Khalka in horror, inspired by David Kurnenberg. Khalka’s transformations are no longer so clean, and the ham-martyrs look much more horrifying. In one issue, the halk is cut, kept in the jars while still alive, and eventually stretches back.

Juing also reinterpreted the gamma -radiation as a supernatural power and the key to the “green doors”, the gateway to hell. Hulk can never die because his soul will always return through the green door; The attentive threat of the run is that the final evil of the universe, which below, also wants to knock down the green door.

One of the earliest hints to the green doors is in the “Immortal Khalk” No. 4 when his own personal devil-his father goes through the green doors to possess a hammathered character Walter Langkowski/Suskwatch. Hulk absorbs Gamma -Suskwatcho in itself, but it only contains Brian’s mind in the body’s body. In principle, exactly what David banner wanted, returned to “Hulk” Ang Lee.

The “Immortal Khalka” comics return to the question that was first raised in the first comic book komix, about whether the halk is a man, monster or both. Whenever Hulk acts as either condemned as a monster, it is very painful for the beam because it means his father was right. The only movie about Khalka that recognizes this important characteristic is Ang Lee’s … still.


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