OnePlus Open 2 doesn’t happen this year

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Thehe OnePlus open It was a surprisingly good device, especially considering that it was the company’s first attempt to make a folding phone. Unfortunately, in a Community note published todayOnePlus has announced that the proper tracking of the open will not be arrived in 2025.

In the publication, the OnePlus Open Product Manager Vale G. said the company “carefully considering our time and our next steps in folding devices and we decided not to run a folding this year.” This is definitely a boom, especially for fans of devices with flexible US displays that are not able to easily buy phones from Chinese brands like Huawei. Xiaomi and OnePlus Mother Oppo CompanyS In addition, it is a little shock, given that the open shelves hit the shelves more than a year and a half ago at the end of 2023, so it is due to an update.

The only positive extraction from this is that while the OnePlus Open 2 does not happen this year, the company does not give up folding forever, saying: “This is not a step back, it’s calibration. Our commitment to innovation is stronger than ever, and we are excited to bring you fresh, unique experiences that are never really established. “For Open owners, OnePlus also noted that the phone would continue to receive regular software and security updates as planned.

Unfortunately, this means that there are only two major manufacturers for the US market who still make large folding phones: Samsung and Google, who expect to announce refreshed models somewhere later this summer. The worse is that when it comes to the Galaxy Z Fold line, the recent lack of competition feels as if it allowed Samsung to break away, with with Z folding 6 Offering only average improvements to previous generations. So we hope that OnePlus may soon join the brawl to help stimulate competition between a handful of phone manufacturers who are still trying to innovate with a small but slow -growing niche.


This article originally appeared on Engadget at


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