One of the best Western John Wayne launched an unofficial trilogy

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Imagine the scene: you met this wonderful person for a while, and it’s time to find out if they are a keeper. One night, you decided to ask the question: “Hey,” Rio Bravo? “” “According to his own confession, it was a criterion for successful relationships in the young years directed by Quentin Tarantino, and he called the classics of Howard Hox Western West of the biggest movies about the get -together. Depending on your point of view, spending two hours that hang out with John Wayne may not seem the most attractive perspective, but little denies that he was the screen icon despite his personal shortcomings. In “Rio -Brava” we find the duke in his most attractive and charismatic, and the film was so successful that he launched an informal trilogy.

Released in 1959, “Rio Bravo” was born with Johot Hox and Hate John Wayne to the “High South”. It was a movie that Wayne refused and deviated as the most “non-American” thing he had ever seen-he later said Playboy that he did not regret to run the screenwriter on the Black List of the United States. For his part, Hox considered Fred Zineman a tense classic with a betrayal of what Western, namely: honor, courage and lasting American individualism. Thus, the union from Wayne again after creating a “red river”, became a return to traditional white hats against black hats about the previous western, surrounding the character of the Duke with loyal friends standing near Klinchi.

Now “Rio Bravo” is regarded as one of the great Hollywood Western and one of the best John Wayne, even if the rest of the “trilogy” she inspired, does not quite correspond to this watermark.

What’s going on in Rio Brava?

We are in the old Texas, where the dude (Ding Martin), the deputy sheriff and drunk, are sorry. Continuing the drink, it is humiliated in front of the whole salon by the local cowboy Joe Burdet (Claude Atkins), who then shot a random person trying to intervene. Sheriff John T. Shans (John Wayne) arrests Joe for the murder and is subject to prison before everything worsens.

Rich older brother Joe Nathan (John Russell) is not satisfied and brings a gang of hired firing to threaten the city, waiting for the opportunity to overcome the sheriff and Spring Joe from his prison cell. Until the American marshal, chance and dude arrive and exceeded the number and exceeded, only the old angle (Walter Brennan) and the brazen youth weapon of Colorado Ryan (Ricky Nelson) for a backup. In addition, the city has feathers (Andji Dikinson), the widow of the crooked gambling player who takes shine to chance and decides to follow. Our attempt to go to jail, but Chens and dude are trapped, the culmination of which was the final analysis on the ranch of Burdeth.

Studying for almost an hour longer than “high at noon”, “Rio Bravo” goes a similar way, but usually adds the emphasis to Hox-In allegiance and society. It certainly requires its time, allowing you to develop relationships between the characters, but it pays dividends when the confrontation between the two inappropriate parties becomes more intense. We even get a music number before the finale, which seems disappointingly unilateral in favor of good guys.

Does Rio Bravo stand?

“Rio Bravo” is very slow, and your pleasure is likely to come down to how much you like these characters. John Wayne’s monolithic frame dominates the screen as always, but he is the older and wise presence here. It is fascinating to see this performance just a few years after the darkest role of his career plays in the “chisels”. Now in the early 50’s, it reflects the sheriff’s chance as a more parent version of the heroic person, which came to the fore in “Stagecoach”.

The rest of the main actors are also very brilliant. Walter Brennan also sounds Hollers as an eccentric comic relief; Teenage Heart Ricky Nelson is hard but cute as a child; And Andrej Dikinson is determined and magical, but it seems only in the film to provide love interest in John Wayne. Despite the bright age difference, their previous romance is amazingly touching and plausible.

Casting Dina Martin may have worried John Wayne First, but it gives the best performance of the film when the former infantry sample brought alcoholism. Torn, sweaty and torn on its own, the struggle of the dude, to drink booze and return respect for the chances, and the rest of the city provides a strong emotional arc in the movie that otherwise the coast along the chemistry between the stars. This is a really strong performance from Croader at a time when he tried to imitate his friend Frank Sinatra’s success. Next year he will receive the “Golden Globe” nomination for “who is the lady?” But he never nodded from Oscar. It’s not much to assume that he may have deserved for this.

Unofficial sequel to Rio Bravo

The success of “Rio Bravo” pushed John Wayne and Howard Hocks to Plagiarism. First, Hox loved the idea of ​​a noble sheriff, which defended his turf from the deception against that he hired Lee Braket (which was written “Rio Bravo”) to reconsider the formula in “El Dorod” in 1966. Lightly flipping through the role, John Wayne plays Cole Torntana, a pistol hired by a ruthless rank to help take the city, but switches the parties to help his old friend and alcoholic Sheriff J. Harra (Robert Mitthum), breaking the scoundrels instead. The central duo again joined the fresh cowboy, named after the state (Mississippi James Kaan) and the old deputies (Arthur Khannikut). “El Drada” is a worthy accompanying part of “Rio Bravo”, which fits the charismatic pairing of Wayne and Mitchum in their first movie together. It is also strange, because Tornon must agree that he is no longer a young hero.

Four years later, Rio Loba came, the worst of the unofficial trilogy. Wayne is an aging officer of the Calvary Union, who monitors a couple of treacherous train robbers to a dusty city and faces a normal confrontation with local thickets. This time he is assisted by the ex-confedation captain, played by Jorge River, who is a significant step in the quality of the star after Dina Martin and Robert Mitchum. It was Hox’s last movie, and Western movie face changed with “Wild Bunch” and “Spaghetti Western” Sergio Leon. As a result, the format was very tired, and it was the sad end of Hox’s career – Quentin Tarantino even called “Rio Lobo” as one reason he wants to throw while he’s forward.


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