One day Sony canceled the main movie about video games – after the trailer was released

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It’s no secret that Movies video games There have been risky proposals over much of its history, although it has changed in recent years with successful adaptations of great properties such as Mario and Sonic Hedgehog. But even in the mid-2010s, the genre was still basically leaning against the box office. Sony, which is not caused by this, has decided to do business with multiple films adapted to major PlayStation Properties. In particular, two franchises with the PS2- Ratchet & Clank and Sly Cooper action platforms were developed as animated films.

Ratchet’s adaptation was announced in 2013, and a year later, a full trailer was received at the “Crazy”. Blockade entertainment, animation studio Rainmaker Entertainment and director Kevin Monroe and animation studio were tied to both. The projects even had several ancestry video games in the form of a Brad Foxhoven blockade, which previously worked on games such as “Drangley” and “Def Jam: Fight for New York”, as well as video game films such as Sony 2014 “Heaven “Adaptation and John Wu canceled the movie “Metroid”.

The Sly Cooper trailer was redesigned by the CGI aesthetics, which markedly departed from the “Cel-Sweden”. However, the fans were excited and it seemed a great coincidence of IP and medium. “Sly Cooper” is similar to “Ocean’s Eleven” using “Zootopia” and its world is perfect for the Hest Family Animation Adventure. Unfortunately, after the release of Ratchet & Clank, it became a complete abandonment of the cash register, scoring only $ 14.4 million for $ 20 million. This collapse led to a number of problems with the “Sly Cooper” problem, and Rainmaker left the project in 2017, effectively killing the movie forever.

What would sound in the Sly Cooper movie?

Sly Cooper games are precious stones in the early 2000s that bring the level of the face, narrative and wit, which at the time was rare in the 3D -platform genre. I am a little biased because the first “cunning” was one of the first video games, which I played in the target demonstration for PlayStation 2. Like many other fans, I was attracted by a sharp spelling of characters and a stylish aesthetics. It also did not stop that the original trilogy of the Development Sucker Punch studio sounded incredibly good.

The prerequisite for “Sly Cooper” is quite simple: the titular main character is a raccoon criminal who comes from the long line of the master. But, like Robin Hood, it is cunning only if -it robbers others, more evil scammers. Each game is divided into a number of edges to which you should prepare through different missions. In later games, as a growing gang of Slo, you take control of a number of characters with different skills, each of which contributes to something else. Games also cover the health of Globetroting, and robbery occur everywhere from Paris and Venice to the Australian hinterland and Chinese Cunlong Mountains.

According to the synopsis released when the film was announced, it would remain quite loyal to this setting and mainly adapted the first game in the series. The main villain of this game, a giant robotic bird called Clockweer, was involved, and the film would show the early version of the gang – cunning, Bentley Turtle and Murray -Behemot – when they get their feet under them as a right thief.

Can Sly Cooper movie still happen?

“Sly Cooper” still feels ripe for animated adaptation. After the movie collapsed, the series was released, but this project soon met a similar fate. The prerequisite for anthropomorphic animals that conduct sophisticated comic book areas is simple, but it also seems ideal for a modern animated landscape where studios such as DreamWorks and Illumination have flourished. Unfortunately, the chances of the movie “Sly Cooper” is still going mainly zero.

Sony did not abandon her video game adaptations. Far from her company founded its own PlayStation Productions Studio to only handle its IP into movies and shows. The fruit of this endeavor includes Video Game Movies like “Gran Turismo” and as well as shows like “twisted metal” and, first and foremost, Critically famous series “Last of us” on HBO. Currently, there are many other projects, including the movie “Ghost of Tsushima”, the flagship hit PlayStation 2020, developed by Sucker Punch, the same studio that conducted “cunning” games.

The latest detail can be the biggest reason that the Sly Cooper movie is unlikely to happen. The game itself is at rest for more than a decade, and the last entry came out in 2013 for a rather scanty reception. Sucker Punch has become one of the most famous Sony studios, but this team has long switched to other projects. We are modest “Sly Cooper” fans to wait and cross our fingers in the hope that one day we will get a new game.


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