‘No one will go to us illegally’

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Yotita Limaye

South Asia and Afghanistan correspondent

BBC Gurpreet Singh is a beard and black-haired Indian man with beard and black hair, but as soon as a wall in a wall, it wears a black shirt for sitting in another wall.BBC

GurePreet Singh hoping to enter the United States before the President Trump started the raid

Gurepreet Singh was handcuffed, the legs were shaken and tied to his spine. Territ’s Tarmac in Texas, the United States border patrol was directed to a road waiting for C-17 military transport planes.

It was February 3 and after a few months of travel, he realized that he was the dream of living in America. Returned to India. “The soil felt that I felt by sliding from the bottom of my feet.”

In recent years, 39, 39, in recent years, thousands of Indians have been in recent years to implement life deposits and continents through the southern border.

In the United States, 725,000 undocumented Indian immigrants, in 2022 Pew research, according to the latest figures, Mexicans and El Salvadorans are the third largest group.

Now Gurpreet, President Donald Trump has become one of the first undocumented indians to be sent home for the promise of mass deportations.

Gurpreet is designed for asylum claim based on the threats he has received in India, but in accordance with A disposal to put people aside without giving people asylum hearings – He said he was not thoughtless, without looking at his work.

During the post of President Biden, 3,700 Hindu were sent back to the charter and commercial flights, but the last images of the dues in the prescribed chains under the Trump Administration were angry in India.

US Border Patrol, a bomb choral soundtrack and an online video that warns: “If you are illegally, you will be removed.”

The US border force is a videos produced by the US border force, the hot coats of migrants and hot coats in casual dresses, a decline in a decline. The image is cut to hide their faces and emphasize the chains around the ankles.US Border Force

A video deported by moving migrants, Gurpreet was angry in India’s house

“We sat in handcuffs and more than 40 hours. Even women were closed in the same way. Only children were free,” he said. “We will not be allowed to get up. If we wanted to use the toilet, we were accompanied by our forces and only one of our hands was taken.”

Opposition parties protested in the parliament, and Indian deports were “inhuman and humiliating treatment.” “The Prime Minister’s Modi and Mr. Trump’s best friends how good friends are talking about how good friends are talking about. Then why Mr Modi allowed it?” Said Priyanka Gandi Vadra, the main opposition leader.

Gurpreet said: “The Government of India had to say something to us. We had to say that the deportation did not perform the deportation, handcuffs and chains.”

The Indian Foreign Ministry spokesman lifted these concerns with the United States and as a result, deportations of women were not seized and not flawless.

However, there is a desired effect on the ground, intimidating footage and President Trump’s rhetoric.

“No one will try to go to us on this illegal” donkey “route in Trump,” Gurpreet.

Over the longer period, it may depend on whether deportations are a continuation, but many of the people of India-smugglers who are currently raided against them by the Indian police.

Gurpreet's India's 27 stop from India, Sultanpur Lodhi in Punjab, Amsterdam, Trinidad and Tobago and Gedaa to Georgetown, 27 parking from India to the United States. Later, it is a long time via South America, first in Columbia in Columbia in Columbia, the center of lunch and as a result of going to Medarlin to the United States to San Diego

Gurpreet said the authority used the number of agents used by the government’s return home, but the smuggler could no longer reach.

“I do not blame them, although we were thirsty and went to the well. They did not come to us,” Gurpreet said.

Official Headline puts the figure Unemployment rate only 3.2%Hides a more careful picture for many Indians. Only 22% of employees have regular salaries, most of themselves, and about five in about five “unpaid assistants”, including women working in family facilities.

“We leave India only because we are forced to India. In one month, 30,000 Rupees (270 / $ 340), I would never think to leave.”

“You can say what you want on the economy, but you have to see the reality. There are no opportunities for working here or for our work.”

Getty Images A C-17 Globemaster III aircraft, a large military transport aircraft with four engines and "US Air Force" Written behind the cockpit - Sri Guru Ram Dass JEE International airport is depicted with brezbiers rolls.Getty pictures

The first deported migrants landed on a military plane last month

GUPREET’s freight company was among the small businesses depending on the money that took back of 86% of the currency of the currency in the currency in the currency in the currency of the currency in a four-hour notice. He said he had no paid by his customers and had no money to quit. Another small case, managing logistics for other companies, said that the coviet failed.

Canada and England have tried to get a visa to go, but rejected their appeals.

Then he took off all his deposits, sold a land and took money from his relatives, 4 million rupees ($ 45,000) raised money for a smuggler to pay a smuggler.

On August 28, 2024, India began to go to the United States until Guyana in South America.

He drew attention to all the stops he did on a map on the phone. Guyana was taken into custody along a partial boat and short airplane by Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Pow, Ecuador and Colombia, in a short plane – a short plane – a short time.

Map, which shows Gurpreet from Amsterdam to Trinidad and Tobago, and then Manaus to Manaus in Brazil, helped Bolivia to travel more south. Then he went to the north, including the Western side of South America, Peru, Ecuador and Colombia. However, immigration officials prevented him from flying to Mexico, and therefore the Darién Gap had to walk.

From Colombia, the smugglers tried to take him a flight to Mexico, so he feared not to pass the scary Darién cavity. However, Colombian immigration did not allow him to fly, so he had to make a dangerous track with the jungle.

The dense width of the rainforester between Colombia and Panama can only be pedestrian, crashes, diseases and criminal groups can be infantry by risking attacks. 50 people who passed last year were killed.

“I didn’t be afraid. I was athletic, so I thought I would be good. But he was the hardest part,” said Gurpreet. “We walked through the jungles and rivers for five days. In many parts, the water came to my chest while crossing the river.”

Each group accompanied the smugglers or “Donker” or “Doner” and other migrants, a word created by the “donkey route” used for illegal migration trips.

Another deported Indian migrant, a composite image showing two photos taken by Mann Sharma. First, standing by a river in the jungle, the migrants with their faces show the blurals. Second, they show them, mixing their faces and walk along a muddy road carrying their bags.

One of the migrants with Georgia also took his journey through the jungles

At night they will make tents in the jungle, they will try to eat a little food they carry.

“The days we are there raining. We have been dried to our bones.” They overwhelmed the three mountains in the first two days. After that, the smugglers said they should watch a route marked in blue plastic bags that were tied to trees.

“My feet began to feel like a lead. My legs reached and my hands were robbed and thorns. We were still lucky, we did not encounter any robbers.”

When he reached the panama, Gurpreet, about 150 and about 150 people were arrested by border officials in a center similar to a prison. He was released in 20 days and said and took over a month to reach Mexico by passing Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras and Guatemala.

Throughout Darién Gap, Panama, Panama in Costa Rica and Managua in Costa Rica and Managua in Nicaragua, a map showing Gurpreet's journey through Central America. In these stops, his family paid the house in India for smuggling. He then continued through the north, Honduras and Guatemala through Honduras and Guatemala until he reached Tapachula in Mexico.

Gurpreet, a bear in Mexico, said they were waiting for a month until he had the opportunity to cross the border to the United States near San Diego.

“We did not wall. We have a mountain we climb near. There are razor wires that Donker’s cut.

Gurpreet, on January 15, entered the United States, President Trump’nın five days before the office – this was further hardened, and the rules became even harder.

Once in San Diego, he surrendered to the border patrol, and then stored by immigration and customs execution (ice).

During the leadership of Biden, illegal or undocumented migrants will appear before the immigration officer, which is an initial interview to determine whether each person has a business for shelter. Although most of the Indians migrated from economic necessity, some have left fear of persecution due to religious or social origin or sexual orientation.

The last part of Gurpreet's journey, a map from Tapachula to Mexico and then in Cabo San Lukas, a city to the southern end of the Baja California Peninsula. He waited 15 days ago before crossing the border and reached the San Diego - surrendered to US officials.

If they cleaned the interview, he was released, waiting for a decision to shelter from an immigration judge. The process would often take years, but this time was allowed to stay in the United States.

This is what Gurpreet will be with him. To find a job in a grocery store and then the truck planned to find a job he met.

Instead, less than three weeks in the United States and returned to the C-17 plane and returned to the restoration.

In Sultanpur Lodhi’s small house, a city in the northern province of Punjab, Gurpreet tries to return the money to return money and opposes his debt.

Additional report by Aakriti Thapar


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