Netizens Drags NE-YO after dating with multiple girlfriends

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A popular singer Non-yo He was never afraid to talk about his unconventional views on sex and dating. In February 2025, the Miss Independent Performer confirmed that there were four women who took different roles in their home.

In March, NE-YO officially introduced women (and their nicknames) to almost five million Instagram followers. On the basis of response, however, many social media users are not impressed or in vain without giving this famous.

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Non-yo says builds a “community” with multiple girlfriends

Ne-ye to have dinner with your four girlfriends.
Instagram | Nao

Before neo-Yoa officially confirmed his palistery, many people suggested that a father of seven are interested in the idea.

His ex -wife, ex ‘Real housewives Atlanta“The Monyetta Shaw star talked about her past in previous interviews and confirmed that the singer was happy to bring other women to her bedroom.

From the moment of cleavage, ne-yo was open about his views on polygamy. During the recent episode “Ricke Smiley Morning Show”, a 45-year-old man even admitted that he had four girlfriends.

He also explained that his children with whom he shared with the show and two other women, Crystal Ren and Garden Jena Bagnery, contributed to women’s relationships before adding that each has another role in his home, such as breakfast and lunch.

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“It’s a family,” he’s – Note. “This is a community. That’s the matter.”

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Ne-Yo represents his four girlfriends on Instagram

Upon InstagramNe-Yo introduced his four girlfriends to the world of pictures and videos put into the song Kanye West 2007 “The flashing lights”.

In the signature of the Sinow “So Sick” shared each of its names and nicknames before signing up with a very specific message.

“Since the world is so intrigued, I suppose I have to present my love correctly,” he wrote. “Ladies and gentlemen, I present my pyramid.”

Then the Hitmeicker presented Christine (“Pretty Baby”), Arielle (“Twin Flame”), Monei (“Phoneix Feather”) and BRI (“Sexy lil ‘something” “).

“Tell me something nice or continue your life. We’re glad here,” he finished.

A set of images and videos demonstrated some pictures of each woman plus a group photo of them on what seemed a bizarre dinner.

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Another clip showed the women posing before 360 ​​video cabin, watched and beaten kissing into the camera, holding a sign that pointed to Kendrick Lamar’s hit “don’t look like us.”

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Social media users are not impressed by the singer or his love life

No-i, posing in black on the red carpet.

Immediately, the unnamed began to comment on the relations of the ne-ye, and, according to several, they are not impressed with the singer and his love life.

“The world is not so intrigued,” someone wrote. “You just keep putting it in our faces. No one is so worried.”

“We are not intrigued; we are disgusting,” the second user commented.

Others made sarcastic jokes and showed their music, which presents texts about the desire to be with an independent woman who cares about her own business.

“So Miss depends?” The user on X, previously Twitter, is located. “Miss is interdependent,” the other poster wrote.

Ne-Yo doesn’t want the government in its bedroom

Ne-Yo poses on the red carpet for the NBC event.

In April 2024, ne-y discussed his polygamous position with the interviewer in Grove In Los -egeles, California. According to him, adults who agree should be free to do whatever “hell they want to do” until no one is injured.

However, despite his position, the singer found that he was not enthusiastic enough to lobby for legal changes related to the law in the United States.

“I don’t know. I’m not going to let it spoil me day. After all, the people I love know that I love them and they love me,” he – Note.

He finished: “It works for me, may not work for you. So find out what works for you.”

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The former wife of the singer acts on the past issues

Ne-Yo and Monyetta Shaw are posing on the red carpet in 2013.

Former Ne-Yo partners have discovered that they survived, marrying one of the millions. The show, the first wife of the non-yu, deeply discussed her relationship during an interview with House Aaron’s subcatast in September 2023.

The Bravo reality star shared that she and neo survived many ups and downs, and although they tried to make him work, the author was not “ready”. According to the show, their incompatibility led to studying options with other people.

Asked to clarify her statement, a realistic star raised three fingers seemingly offering the possibility of “three”.

“We did things together, so it’s not cheating if you do it,” she’s added.


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