Myanmar’s Shwe Kokko: Inside a city ‘founded on cheaters’
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Last month, the 22-year-old Chinese actor, Wang Xing, was rescued from a cunning center after the offer of work in Thailand in Thailand. His disappearance has made questions about the Chinese social media, forced the Thai and Chinese authorities to set up a joint operation to release him.
Chinese tourists feared their holidays and security in Thailand. Other rescue work followed. The BBC was sent by some cheating victims who captured for help; Firefighters still believe that thousands of traps are trapped. About all of the shwe is in small compounds along the southern border in Kokko.
Yatai stressed that they are not the same as these tough operations, there is a little more from the sheds collection built in forest cleansing. Now that’s where all the bad events happen. The Lord Lord in the southern civilian city of Myawaddy south of the border city of Wan Kuok Koi, known as a better broken tooth.
This difference was once not to help Zhijiang, the ears of politicians in Thailand, police cartridges and even small royalty. Today, he even seems that the impact of the prison was even received by its special privileges. Complained of rude by the guards.
The interpol used to justify the arrest of lawyers, but the voice of China will probably be the highest in determining his fate.
From our interview with him, Shi Zhijiang, suddenly suddenly suddenly seemed to be irritated.
“Previously, I did not have any concepts about human rights, but now I realize how terrible the human rights are violated,” he said. “As China protects the same state-old businessman, human rights and dignity as the human rights of human rights, it is difficult to imagine what is a businessman like me.”
It seems that a day believed that one day the cocoon could build a transkon in one day in a day, could build a transcension to the transkender.
It’s hard to guess what happened now, but if Thailand and Chinese governments move to close cheaters, money will start to dry.