Modi’s BJP Romps, 27 years later in the power of the opposition in the great blow Elections News

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New Delhi, India – Arvind Kejriwal and AAM AAJMI Party (AAP), the main return for the Hindu Nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), now beat the Delhi Assembly election, which is now preparing to manage the capital after 27 years.

In 1993, behind a popular anti-corruption movement, twelve years in the 1993 assembly elections, his deputy, MP Shisodia lost their circles well before ending Sabbath.

AAP temporarily closed the headquarters of Delhi on Saturday afternoon Saturday afternoon, decorated with saffron in nearby BJP branches, distributed sweets and sweets in the color of saffron. “Development wins, good governance victories,” Prime Minister Narendra Modi X wrote.

In Delhi, the 70-seat Assembly, BJP, in the afternoon, won more than 48 seats, 35 seats exceeded more than 35 seats. AAP Tally gone out of 63 places earned 2020 elections It was still underway to count the afternoon in the afternoon.

“The thing that began as a few people, now it is just involved in a political party,” said a friend of the CPRI-based Policy Research Center (CPR), referring to AAP. “Kejriwal, perhaps now only a politician and once wearing a glitter, the main voters are weakening.”

Delhi, who lived more than 33 million people, is the National Capital, where the National Capital, which has so far, has been in prison for the increase in the BJP, since 2014 since 2014.

“Delhi is a mini India, there are many populations in different parts of the country – and if Bjp can win,” Rashid Kidwai, “said the political scientist. “This is a turn, because this victory is the story of BJP’s in circles. And he says it is not comparable.”

Bjp delhi
A BJP supporter India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi, India’s New Delhi, India, January 31, 2025 (AP Photo)

BJP’s walk to the capital

Modi’s BJP, Hindu Nationalist Party in June last year lived a modest moment Lost the majority of parliament He was managed with the support of national elections and regional allies.

In seven months, an opposition expected to face the opposition to face three major state elections – Maharashtra, Haryana and Delhi, Haryana and Delhi were expected to face.

“Since the election, our party has been working for many employees, many employees,” Zafar Islam’s national spokesman. ” “This is the defeat of AAP’s arrogance and bad management.”

AAP, known for the welfare programs, BJP, a Hindu nationalist, a Hindu nationalist in Delhi, doubled over similar promises in the campaign. “Elections in India have become a high operation and wants to know what voters will get for their voices,” Kidwai.

With the saying of Sirhati, Delhi’s electorate, caste and class differences consist of the most unequal. “If you can not get at least a few bits and pieces of all population, it will be difficult to win the election,” he said. The so-called “Upper Kaston” voters, which accounted for about 40 percent of Delhi, added that the promises of subsidies and developments are flocked by the promises of promises for a desire of promises.

About 9.5 million people voted on Wednesday, BJP, BJP’nin Delhi’s Prime Minister Delhi, who works in favor of the party, was not confirmed. “There was no disappointing between different intermission or voters associated with other regions or suspicions (there were no candidates, and the doubt was kept and rolled into their advantages.”

The Congress Party, the oldest party, the oldest party leading the national opposition, remained a peripheral in the Assembly, and this time could not win a place in the election of Delhi.

The results were clearly surprised, Delhi’s influential Cawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) Politics Prof. The system has built tight. “

AAM AAdMI Party (AAP) National Convention, Kejriwal, India’s New Delhi, on February 3, 2025, holding a wreath while campaigning in Delhi State Assembly elections (APO

‘Message for Kejriwal’

Before the national election last year Kejriwal The Indian’s financial crime agency was charged with corruption. His MP, Sisodia17 months spent on Tihar prison, Delhi, on charges of money laundering. His trial continues. The two conditions provided with landslide victories were violated by a durable Tussle with the supervisor governor of the center to control more on Delhi.

This time, this time was the turn of Kejriwal for a modest moment when he defeated the Delhi Assembly of the Delhi Assembly on Saturday morning. The AAP elected was chosen as a referendum in controlling management and the innocence of the claims of the leaders in their claims that the BJP claims to be political vendettes.

“It was now a dream for Kejriwal and AAP to make politics as usual, and they are not cleaners than other parties.”

BJP won all seven seats in the last three parliamentary elections, but voters could not win in the parliament elections, which has ever been in every five years.

“After a decade (against AAP), he had an opposition against the opposition (against AAP), and this is an image among the middle-level voters that result in the swing,” he added. “And there was an edge in Kejriwal in BJP’s perception fight – he just cries badly or does not act in ‘trick’ and in control.”

Kejriwal lost the new Delhi constituency, the new Delhi constituency, called BJP’s Parvesh Verma’yı “Social Boycott” of Muslims – In the new Delhi Circle with more than 3100 votes. His deputy Sisodia also defeated Jangpura constituency in Southeast Delhi to BJP. As a countdown on Saturday evening, several popular leaders of the party were back, but it was still not satisfied.

“This is a good message for Kejriwal because there is no political party that any political party in any political party for Kejriwal,” he said.

Unreventional area

Saturday afternoon, silence fell on the headquarters of AAP. Experts say that the party should pay attention to taking part. “In Delhi, for they will put them in a difficult place since the day they have happened. The party did not face a while in Delhi,” said Rahul, a political commentator.

“Their national leaders accuse and strangle the expansionist pulse in a few years ago,” said AAP, AAP touched on other Indian government elections such as Gujrat and Jammu and Kashmir. Currently, the Kejriwal Party also manages the neighboring Punjab state.

With Kejriwal from the upcoming Assembly, the tables were turned into a politician, experts. This is an unchanging area.

For more than 10 years, BJP continued to control the country’s parliament in the New Delhi, but always remained away from the state authority. “Now BJP has the same centralization of the Modi ‘Double Engine’ campaign, Sircar said.

However, the visit of the visit was to be careful, Delhi’s end was changing the election of Delhi in 1993, he said: “BJP did not manage such as visible or felt like this – modern cosmopolitan imagination”


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