Media giant Lee Enterprises confirms Cyberattack as news editions report on current interruptions
The Lee Enterprises, a media giant who owns dozens of newspapers in the United States, has confirmed that the cyberattack of its systems is behind the continuous interference in dozens of newspapers and the media in the United States.
In an email shared with customers sent on Friday, which TechCrunch saw, Lee CEO Kevin Mourebay said the company was working to “fully restore our systems” after a cyberattack earlier during the week.
Tracey Ruch, a Lee Enterprises spokesman, confirmed to TechCrunch that the interruptions were caused by a “cybersecurity event” and that the company “is now focused on determining what information – if any – may have been affected by the situation.”
The spokesman declined to say whether he had received any communication from the hackers or whether he had a time line to recover. The company would not say whether there are technical means, such as diaries, to determine whether it is available or stolen.
Lee does not describe the nature of the cyberattack, nor will the company comment on his email.
Lee is one of the largest newspaper publishers in the United States and provides technology for publishing and websites to 72 publications, including St. Louis Post-Dispatch who who Broke news about the story on FridayS
After Dispatch, he said that until he missed any publication days, most of the newspaper editions were affected this week. Some newspapers were smaller in some days, said after Dispa.
Several other news newspapers have announced that they have been affected by the cyberattack in Lee, including Kasper Star Tribun in Wyoming. In News article on his websiteStar-Tribune said: “Many of Lee’s newspapers initially failed to create pages and publish, although the company works to print and transmit problems.” The newspaper’s website warns that the cyberatta can “temporarily affect access to subscription accounts “.
According to an email of February 3, sent to all LEE employees observed by TechCrunch, Lee reported that one of his data centers hosted by apps and services used by LEE’s employees and media are offline, including his subscriber systems Services.
Email to Lee’s employees, sent later the same day, states that the applications of his call center, some telephone lines and other basic systems, including his VPN for remote employees and a single entry for access to applications, are inaccessible.
Breaks have not yet been allowed since Monday. Lee would not make his Ciso Rob Hoffpauir available for an interview.
Lee Enterprises has released its last quarterly revenue this week, taking into account a $ 144.6 million profit for the fiscal first quarter-reducing 7% compared to the year-but does not refer to the interruption or cyberattack.
This is Lee’s second famous cyberattack in the last five years. Thehe Wall Street Journal reported in 2021 That the Iranian hackers have compromised the Li content management system as part of a campaign aimed at distributing misinformation before the 2020 presidential election.