Master of Horror John Carpenter ran Jason Stet in a tremendous Flope

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The university can sometimes be a pretty soft place, so it is important to look for every last self -joy or, there is no something so extravagant, just a smile here and there to avoid complete despair. You can say that we don’t even deserve the latter. Did Cleveland Cavalier win last night? This is one leg on the floor. Or did I text with some friends outside the city I have not personally seen in a few months or years? There is another one. Made John Carpenter Just win the reward for your entire life From the Association of Film Critics to Los -Angeles? Oh, baby, we got up and headed for that first cup.

The new Hollywood era has prepared more commercially successful and critical directors than the person who gave us “Halloween”, “Thing”, “Thing”, and “big problems in small China”, “ But among its ranks there is no director with a more ardent fan -bass. Although he never approached the fact that he was nominated for the Academy Award, many artists who won at least one absolutely honor him (for example, Quentin Tarantino, Guillermo del Toro, James Cameron, Bong John Ho and Danny Boyle).

Since he seems to have twisted his career in cinema to focus on his music, thus bringing it out of the game for the competitive Oscar, the Platnitsky must be engaged in the Governor Award every year. It is possible that the pride of Lafka will avoid drifts, and, hey, maybe those psalists who have received the Oscar can lobby for him on his behalf. However one of the main obstacles would be the fact that some of the most famous Especially the “thing” And “big problems in small China” were not only critical at the time of their theater release, but also massive cash desk flop. It should be about art and its excellent influence, right? Unfortunately, rolled at the Academy, and if they are determined to be small, they could turn to the third career of the Platnitsky for a bomb involving Jason Stem-one, who even fights the most ardent fans of the director.

Jason Statin wasn’t a big enough star in 2001 to save the ghosts of Mars

John Carpentera’s “Mars’s Ghosts” opened last weekend on August 24, 2001, among the overcrowded, the deceased, which included “Jay and Silent Bake Strike” Kevin Smith “,” The curse of the Neffe Scorpio “, Michael Smith, Michael Smith, Michael Smith, Michael Smith, Michael Smith, Michael Smith, Michael Smith, Michael Smith . Darko “Jake Djilensha’s” Bubble Boy “. There was reason to be bullish in his potential but no Because he starred with Jason Stet. 24 years ago, the Stetem was probably the most famous for us to perform at the time in “Case, promotions, promotions, promotions and two smoking” and “Skatch”. It was also fourth included in “The Jet” Jet Li, DelRoy Lindo and Carla Guigno. He walked up, but few were racing in the multiplex for the new stem when the world was unknown until September 11.

Scientific-fiction/horror/Western hybrid about (deep breath) Dangerous Transport Prisoner on Colonized Mars, where the ghosts of indigenous people have moved it recently arrived human residents in zombies (exhalation) did Star Ice Cubic and Natasha Henstridge. The first one played in a bad crime engaged in the hardcore nickname of the devastation of Williams was the main point of sale on the power of his thriving hip-hop career and the big screen “Friday”. Unfortunately, the screen gems could not find out which element of the Carpenter genre into the market, so he just threw it all on the wall and hoped that people would appear.

A few years later, the cube and stat two -sided would be enough to guarantee a huge weekend. But “Mars’s Ghosts” will never be more than a miracle in a week’s level because it is a carpenter working on the same side side of the street that turned off cinema (and some fans) with “Escape of La”, I actually love it The Carpenter’s career phase (even if she did not give the classics), but “Mars’s” ghosts “still feel half-conditioned melange. At any moment, you want him to bend over the science fiction or horror, or, especially, his western elements, but he refuses to do anything. He clicks on a decent pace, but the movie ultimately feels that it just hurries to end.

Failure Mars ghost harmed John Carpetera much more than Jason Stet

Despite the heavy reviews (it can boast metacar 35) and confusing marketing, fans of John Carpetes turned out to be the “ghosts of Mars” (Perhaps hoping on the snake Plissken Cameo). Unfortunately, no one else did. The film opened in the ninth place for the weekend with $ 3.8 million for 2048 screens. He earned C- Cinemasc

The damage caused by Carpenter’s career was significant, though he repeatedly said he was too burnt after directing after Mars’ ghosts “to take up a new project. After a four-year break, he managed two very good episodes for the “Anthology” Masters of Horror series (“Cigarette Burns” and “Pro-Life”), but would not create another function until 2010 “The Ward”. An independent psychological Philos of horrors returned Carpenter to his terrible roots, and, if nothing else, he is much more formally than the Mars’ Ghosts. Perhaps the old master may surprise us with other films, but now he pours every ounce of his creative passion into his music, and these are great things!

In the film, everything you need to do is to honor one of the most gifted and influential directors of the second half of the 20th century. I do not imagine the movie without John Carpenter, and I am sure I could use a great smile that will spread through my circle if he will receive his honorary award. Let’s do it, Ampos.


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