Lisa Rina, Harry Hamlin smashed the 13th birthday’s birthday in Paris

Amelia Gray Hamlin, Harry Hamlin and Lisa Rina
Gregg Deguire/Film ProductionAdditional chest and Harry Hamlin Don’t have the best memories of your daughter Amelia Gray13th birthday.
“When we first went to Paris with children, Amelia was 13, and she wanted to spend her 13th birthday?” On Friday, February 28, Rina, 61, asked her husband, the episode “Let’s not talk about her husband” pipeline. Then Hamlin showed that Amelia very much wanted to celebrate the milestone to Le -Zul, the famous restaurant in the Eiffel Tower, which was then instilled by Boss -Alar Elena Ducaas.
Hamlin later reminded that Amelia, who is now 23, was “like a sting” to convince his parents to organize his dream party.
“Everything she wants is, by the way,” Hamlin explained. “That’s why Amelia Gray is a supermodel because she gets everything she wants when she wants. She’s setting it up and comes there.”
Rina and Hamlin-who also share a 26-year-old daughter Dellyla Bel – ultimately obliged “Master -Master” Amelia Birthday request.
“She really, very much wanted to go to Eiffel -Tower and eat at the restaurant Elena Dukas. That’s all she said,” said Hamlin. “We finally got a reservation. It was a sunset (and) it was absolutely beautiful.”
Despite the incredible scenery and colorful species, the brood-hemlin was stunned by this menu Only “Pigeon and Escargot”.
“She looked (on the menu) and went,” but where is the chicken tenders? Where’s the hamburger? Where’s the poppy and cheese? ” – Hamlin recalled about her daughter.” She did not eat anything. It was a Fixe prize (menu). The bill was a couple of thousands of dollars – and I was the only person who ate anything. I ate all the escorts, all the dove (u) all things. I have the sky. I like wonderful food, (and) they love chicken fingers and fries. “
According to Rina, she and Amelia only “ate bread”, which accompanied the official meals while eating for birthday.
Hamlin admitted that the children of the couple – he is also the father of the eldest son Dimitra From past relationships – more ready to try a new kitchen as adults.
“Their tastes have expanded now,” said Hamlin. “Now they are a little more complex than when we first went to Paris. I think they are trying these things (and) they now eat oysters.”
Meanwhile, Renne still still supports a bred diet.
“I don’t like oysters and I don’t like caviar,” Real housewives Beverly -Hills The alum proclaimed in the episode of Friday. “Everyone loves me because they get my caviar. I never had a caviar. … My friends like to be near me when the caviar comes because they get my caviar. Upon This is the show on which I was onHousewives, there was a big deal to serve caviar. Not thank you. “