LARRY KUDLOW: Trump’s message to Congress — unleash prosperity

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Here is hope President Donald Trump A rousing word will be sent this evening, which shows how he intends to unleash the prosperity in America.

I hope for growth words with many tax cuts.

President pursues great popularity, border, deportation, waste, fraud and corruption with favorable reputable ratings Mutual fair tradeA number

Put the whole package together, and you have a basic stimulus shot to economic growth, and the price pressure and expenses are down.

Right now, Biden’s legacy is shown in weaker and weaker numbers. The apartment is soft, business investment has decreased, production is slow, even consumer costs are weak. The brothers not only left Mr. Trump, from the decline of the economy, but a $ 2 trillion deficit, to what extent can see, and the mass expansion of the federal debt.

But every time the stock exchange Hiccups, liberals try to blame the tariffs.

Well, the fact remains that Mr. Trump tries to break the unfair trading system, which has American companies with its brand Mutual and fair trade reformsA number

The idea that tariffs inflation is poorly thoughtful.

The enormous expenses and money-printing of the government are a reasonable inflation. Mr. Trump is working against it.

In the short term, trade operations can cause one-time temporary, small prices, but not long-term inflation.

President Trump is doing his best to reform Broken world trading system and to protect American interests.

In time, by the way, the mutual trade can reduce tariffs, not. And his mutual trade policy can bring extensive supply benefits to the American economy.

I think the most important thing is for the speech of this evening, but I would like President Trump forced the Congress to share his tax cuts and dismantling, including tax freedom and overtime and weekends.

Use the appropriate source assessment, accurately reflecting that the reductions in taxes of 2017 have produced huge income.

And I hope that Mr. Trump will be able to vote against his tax cuts in favor of at least $ 4 trillion.

Let’s move on one, a big beautiful bill on the day of remembrance, so we can have one, large, beautiful blue collar boom that will make wallets and prosperity for all Americans.


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