Lance Barber Young Sheldon played another character on the theory of the Big Bang

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“Big Bang Theory” and “Young Sheldon” are set in the same universe, and both shows have some of the same characters at different points in their lives. The main examples are the members of the Sheldon Cooper family (Jim Parson), which are mostly the heart of the entire franchise. Unfortunately, his dad, George Cooper -the Old (Lance Barber), is absent in the former series when he died when Sheldon was still in his teens. Given this, Barber plays a role in the Big Bang theory, and let’s say his hero is not as good as George.

Unlike The secret of the hairdresser in the “Young Sheldon” finalsHis “Big Bang” hero is more open. His name is Jimmy Spekerman, and the episode of “recurrent Specker” shows that he mocked Leonard Hofstadter (Johnny Galetsky) in high school. When they meet again in the present, drunk Jimmy apologizes for being a jerk that day, and Leonard allows him to crash into his apartment. However, Jimmy wakes up the next day on the couch Leonard, unleashes the almighty tacos, and again begins to act as his old.

Although the actors are not uncommon to play different characters in one franchise, the trips of the hairdresser on “Young Sheldon” and “the theory of the Big Bang” led to some wild theories of fans. Fortunately, the actor turned to their head and put some heartfelt ideas in bed.

Lance Barber Commenting Games Jimmy Specerman

Franchise “Big blast” is a love letter to a bizarre culture, which involves characters that are obsessed with comics and sci-fi concepts. However, thanks to Lans Barber, who plays two different characters in the franchise, some fans are convinced that the comprehensive story is part of the Marvel-Esque multi-world, and that George Cooper and Jimmy Specker-Variants of the same dude. Barber dismissed this theory in an interview InternetBefore you think about how grateful he is to play the aforementioned bully at the time:

“I was fun because when it happened and I got a job, it was obvious to me that it would be noticed, especially from how deep fans of these shows. So the Fandal … I heard some and there were some strange things like this multidimensional universe. This is nonsense. This is an actor who plays another role!

Barber is also open to the first marriage of George and Mandy, Therefore, his time in the franchise will not end. Just don’t expect it to appear as the ghost of George Cooper as it is likely to be alien than multi -heat madness. No matter how it appears again, it probably will be more awesome than Kylie Kuok’s secret on “Young Sheldon”.


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