Kerry Hart comes out of the special forces out of the injury: As the wife’s wife reacted
Kerry Hart still is in distrust of his exit from Special forces.
“On the truth US Weekly On the eve of Wednesday, January 29, an episode with a smile on the face.
While fans saw Hart fell during the mileage in the episode of the environment, it was difficult to say what happened. He explained Us that he stumbled over the “plastic speed for all cables.”
“It’s my own wine that it happened. We conducted this tough training through dirty holes and in the pond and all these things. There was absolutely freezing on the street. I was injured because I didn’t pay attention,” he said. “In the previous exercises we had to make two wheels around the connection and return to the square. Well, in this particular situation I think it was the second or third round – (u) I wasn’t a great runner. DS said:” Okay, go, do one loop and stretch back. “I didn’t pay attention. I went to the full two wheels. Well, it was the second round that I actually stumbled. … So, if I paid attention, I would advance and don’t It was in this situation. “
“I’m dark. At this point I couldn’t even see. I had so much dirt in my eyes, “he continued, adding that the ankle he injured was his” bad ankle “with which he had problems for years.” I actually have to have this ankle in the following Year – I didn’t have a cartilage left in this ankle – and I stumbled, and I hit the ground and laid my hand. So I initially felt my wrist most and completed it. “

Carey Hart in special forces: the most difficult test in the world.
Pete dad / foxHart noted that the pain in the left ankle is “what I used to”, but when he began to gain, she “continued to deteriorate and worse.”
“I went, sat and thawed in my soul, and the wrist was one. I was very good with the ribbon. I could survive it, but I couldn’t finish the next couple of days of this show with blown ankles,” he said.
After the accident, Hart told his compatriots that he was leaving, and joked that his wife was pink would laugh when he heard the story.
“I am actually it that night. At the moment I suffered, it’s probably around midnight. So, as long as I returned to the hotel and pulled the phone out of the safe and all that was probably 3 hours in the morning UK time, “Hart reminded to tell Pink. “She knew the period of the show and probably in the depths of the mind, she knows when my phone would call this last day, I will (hurt). So, her original (reaction) was widely opened, some white, white, How a ghost is asking: “I like,” yes, “my old body.”
Hart and pink, who married in 2006, shared the daughter of Willlov, 13 years old and sons of Jameson, 8. Hart told Us that was ‘really fun’ watch show with children.

P! NK and Carey Hart
Kevin Mazur/Getti Images for Amazon Prime Video“Most of my career, all I did, lives on YouTube for them. My last serious freestyle competition was X when my daughter was a year. So I started away from this level of high risk of my car ‘ Jerry 12 years ago. Us. “My son is peculiar because he’s at this young age. My daughter is tough as my nails, and literally every week before the show starts, and then after she looks like:” You don’t cry this week, Don’t I like it? “
Known back to his exit, Hart explained Us that his actual “injury was nothing”, but he was upset how his exit went down.
“It was a little gentle for a few days, and then it took place, but I was very disappointed that something that was silent, brought me out,” he said. “But at the same time when I walked into the show like every day when I was there, it’s just a complete dive. I’m going to take one call at the same time, one workout at a time and just like a hug because, in truth Speaking, there are 10 things I could worsen the first day or the second day, which would brought me out of this. (And) Do not stand on the top of this platform with DS – it’s a little damaged my ego. “
DS told Kharta that they were proud of how he had carried himself.
“The fact that these four people, not to mention all the riot police and the armed forces, is a very solid stroking on the back,” he said Us From the remark. “That’s why I take it very seriously that they gave me this compliment, and I was lucky enough to communicate with the guys, and that’s so any regret.”
Special Forces: The most difficult test in the world On the air on Wednesdays Fox at 8 pm.