Jerman Duppring calls the route roses to live in her car

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Jermaine Dupri weighed further Dawn Robinson Viral is revealed about life in her car for almost three years.

Related to: Former singer en Vogue Dawn Robinson stunted fans after showed that he lives in her (watch)

Jerome Dupi shares his thoughts on the life situation of Dawn Robinson

Neighbors with your neighbors, if you have not lagged up, you already know the former singer en Vogue Dawn Robinson became viral after you opened about your life situation. Well, now the video caught the attention of Jerman Dupra. During the recent industry, Jerman showed that people asked him why he did not step up to help dawn. he said after viewing Her video on YouTubeseemed to be dawn “I greeted the idea of ​​living in his car from what other people did.”

Jerman did not hold back to call Rabinson’s Dawn for a life situation. Viewing the video, he caught her mention of the assistant who threw him away. He could not understand how she could afford to pay the assistant if she was allegedly broken.

“By no means did she get an assistant, and she has no money. If you don’t have the money and you do what you have to do here, you do ** t on your own. You move on your own. No one is preparing to sit under you and just knock it out,” Jermen added.

In addition, the rapper said he did not see how the assistant would follow her if she has no money to pay them. “If you don’t have the money as they help you … It doesn’t make sense.” In addition, Jermein added that he just wants to make sure everyone is paying attention to the full story of Robinson’s dawn. “I don’t know if she broke down, she may not have all the money she wants in the world, but she definitely didn’t break, saying she has her assistant.”

Former husband dawn offers help after her current live setting will become viral

Jerome Dupi was not the only one who shared his thoughts on renewal of Rassa Robinson’s life. TMZ reported that her ex -husband Andre Allen also said a lot about her situation and wanted to give her hand to help.

Andre said that the dawn outlet would be perfect for Hilton brands. He said he offered her the opportunity because he does not want to see her struggle as some of his close friends. He also mentioned that he had previously offered Dawn, but instead she decided to live with her car. However, he believes that her personality will be excellent for sale.

Currently, Andre is engaged in and allegedly earning more money than in the music industry. Dawn and Andre were married in 2003, but dispersed in 2010. Andre also helped Dawn to reunite with En Vogue before everything went wrong.

That’s what to say about her circumstances

No matter what everyone says, Dawn Robinson made it clear in her video that she is satisfied with her choice and does not regret.

“I felt free. I was so free. It seemed to me that “oh, that’s otherwise.” It seemed to me that I was on a hike, and it seemed to me that it was right. I don’t regret it, ”she said.

She also made it possible to know that she was not seeking sympathy – she just wanted to share the truth. “It’s not like” poor dawn. “It’s not that. I find out about who I am; I teach myself as a man as a woman” Added dawn.

Related to: Former Robinson’s former husband starts this offer after she admits that he lives in her car

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