James Bond Team with Nicholas Kage in Ultimate ’90
By Robert’s boiling
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If this week you need a good reason to cause work, no one will blame you for fake fever so you can stay home and watch Rock. In fact, you may not even lie if you tell your boss that you are unusable after viewing Chaoner and Nicholas Cage kicks of the ass for 136 minutes because Rock Probably knock out the stuffing right out of your teeth if you have a good sound system enough. It doesn’t doubt that we all love from time to time to read on Michael Bay for what they count on the explosions to tell the story, but the reason we continue to give him a second chance is because because Rock This is one of the greatest battle films of all time, and we hope that one day he will gain gold again.
An incredible chain of events, but who is it worried?

Time to give you the main outline Rock So we can talk about how crazy this movie really.
General Brigadier of the US Marine Corporation Francis X. Hummel (Ed Harris) seizes the island of Alcratras, since after the many years of loyal service of his country, his people who were lost during the excursions to Vietnam have never received proper compensation for their families. After taking 81 hostage tourists, Hammel addresses the FBI, explaining that plans to launch missiles full of nerve gas, which will lead to irreparable damage in the Gulf of San Francisco, if throwing away. Rock Introduce the “zero clock” trop, with which we are all familiar when Hummel gives the US government a term to provide a $ 100 million ransom, which means that they must act quickly and pay or neutralize the threat.
The dream team

How do you ask how FBI plans to intervene?
Nicholas Cage.
Dr. Stanley Brued (Nicholas Kage) is an expert on chemical weapons who did not have field experiences and training with weapons on the borders of the Academy, and knows that he is a “laboratory rat”, which is probably with an ax for grinding. According to the same, he is the only person who has qualifications to disarm the missiles that Hammel has, and he needs to do it personally, not remotely because it is 1996.
“But wait, no one ever successfully escaped alcatra in the fiction that Rock Created, so this is impossible mission, right? “
We have James Bond … Well, peculiar.
Goadspeed reported by John Patrick Mason (Sean Connects), a disgraced Captain of the British Special Air Service (SAS), which has not seen light of the day for 30 years because he stole and hid the microfilm in J. Edgar Hoover, who teaches all the dirtiest and dirty secrets of the US government. Mason is also the only person who has ever escaped alcatrace, but he naturally reluctant helps the FBI on the basis of the need to know-personal after it was fixed as an animal for most of his adulthood.
After some convincing and high -speed chases that lead to the destruction of half the city (you know object What everyone tries to prevent), Mason agrees to take the mission of GoodSpeed, and signs a document that offers him a complete pardon after completing the mission … or so he thinks.
At this point I need to remind you of this Rock Losing about an hour of performance to even get to the prison of the titular island, and there were already more explosions than you could dream.
Each battle movie TROPE is made to perfection

To fully enjoy RockYou need to suspend any distrust because each scene is more exceeded than the latter. Remember GoodSpeed ​​has No field experiencesBut when he needs to find Mason (traveling at the stolen Humvee speed), he orders Ferrari and torn through San Francisco, without even thinking twice.
If GoodSpeed ​​and Mason finally get to Alcatra, for epic shootings will not take time to destroy the accompanying seals that had to make all heavy lifting. This is ok because Goadspeed, who has not even had his own pistol on her face before agreeing to become a hero of the Bay, suddenly knows what’s going on, and grows a couple so he can save the city from a certain destruction between time between agile matches with Maison, which is preparing for the escutual alcatrax (again) after the successful introduction of the sealing team into the connection.
Every scene in Rock This is an exercise in an escalation that ends with a disassembly that you say at the same time that “in any way” and “let’s go!” And there is something beautiful in the movie that so relentlessly passes that you never have enough time to critically analyze simply analyze Just as unrealistic everything in this.
Noting the height of the 90 -Ñ… excess, Rock This is one of those movies that I can watch once a year and never get sick. If you want to witness what Michael Bay Continues to receive a second chance, especially after Pearl -gavanThen you can see the greatest action movie of all times and peoples now on Hula.