Inside a chaotic US deportation flight to Brazil
The temperature rose inside the plane. Eighty-eight Brazilian deports, most common in hand, and flawed and flawed, anxious under the clock of immigration agents on Friday. The passenger jet engaged in recycled technical problems, clinged to the scan in a city that is intensified in the Amazon Rainforest.
Then the air conditioner was broken – again.
According to traffic jams, sit, shrink, shouted, children’s cries, passengers fainted and the agents were required. Finally, the passengers pulled goals to release two emergency output and shouted to help the plane’s wing.
Brazil’s federal police quickly arrived and after a short period of time, in the absence of US immigration and customs security agencies, they have not yet reached the destination, they have not yet reached the deportation.
President Luiz Inácio Lula also ordered Silva to take the dependent on a Brazilian Air Force plane and take the rest of the road. The ministers of his government, then said the deportation of the Trump leadership as “unacceptable” and “humiliating”.
This was complaints with President Gustavo Petro Petro PETRO President Gustavo Petro To respond to social media When he declared Sunday, the government turned two deportations from the United States. Off the road Tariff threats Eventually ended between the United States and Colombia Mr. Petro Downing.
Deployed over the deprivation flights of Brazil and Colombia, the first weekend noted the first weekend for the Final Week policy to deport the millions of undocumented immigrants in the first weekend.
The push of the two leftists Latin American government revealed the cancellation of the disputes in the region as strong criminals threatened by President Trump’s migrants in the region.
On Monday, Mr. Trump, “Each was a king of a murderer, or a drug lord, a kind of mobility, in fact, none of the deports from the deport to two flights in Bogot on Tuesday said there were no records.
Both Colombia and Brazilian governments said they deserve thinly covered messages and citizens returning home and respected their citizens. “They are free and worthy and they are in their homeland in their loved ones,” Mr. Petro Wrote on Tuesday.
The Pew Research Center estimated that in 2022, 4 million Mexican, 2.1 million central Americans, 230.00 Brazil and 190,000 Colombians, 11 million undocumented immigrants in the United States.
Mr. Petro turned off deportation flights because he was first managed by US military. The Colombian Deportees, who was flying home on Tuesday, was Colombian military planes. It is still unknown in Mexico where deportation flights are still in military planes.
Brazilians flew in the commercial charter. The Brazilian government called on the best American diplomat on Monday to discuss the terms of this flight. The government, only in connection with the summary of Brazilian efforts in the state document of the US government in detail, in connection with the summary of Brazilian efforts, including Antony Blinken in 2022, including Antony Blinken, including a threat, he In 2022, Antony asked to call in 2022.
U.S. officials ignored these wishes. According to the US government, Brazilian officials have been deported about 7,700 Brazils on about 95 flights since 2020. In many of these flights, ice agents chained the Brazilian deportations in their hands and legs.
Friday, Friday Deportation Flight to Brazil – The first of the new term of Mr. Trump is the withdrawal of such a public from the Brazilian government. On Friday, the difference between officials and passengers, the condition of the aircraft and the rude processing of deportants was ice agents.
Ice did not respond to a request for comment.
Traveling for many weeks before traveling to Brazilian deportations, long bus rides in the United States – California, Georgia, Arizona and Texas began to the Federal Immigration Center of Alexandria, Louisiana. Men have surrounded these walks for days.
In the early hours of Friday, ice agents, passenger jets were filled with deportations, on the back, women and children and children, on the front, the deported.
An aircraft flight, global weather, experienced a problem with a charter. Passengers said he tried to leave the plane on the first attempt. After working on a mechanic on a turbine, he left, but passengers were worried.
“They started asking: How will you take pens out of 80 people if something happens?” Said Luiz Campos, 35, Texas is one of the Brazilian deports in the flight after spending six weeks in pre-trial detention facilities. “Please take these chains, ” he reminded people who asked. “They said, ‘No. The protocol is always.”
Tensions increased during the refueling stop in the panama. Again, the plane struggled to leave, and this time three passengers, the smoke came from an engine on the wing. The incident also caused the condition of conditioning, and the plane quickly became a sauna quickly in tropical heat.
As a result, the air conditioner was restored and the plane has left again. After hours, Brazil landed in Manausa, the largest city in Amazon. It was planned to finish the flight, Brazil, Brazil and 1600 miles in the south of Brazil. Brazil’s federal police said the plane landed because of a technical issue.
Globalx did not meet applications for air and ice comment.
In the salary, the passengers said that after the plane left after the engine issues. And then, still the air stood flowing inside the cabin.
“He began to hold helplessness. I would honestly say that I would be alive in the house,” said Louise Antônio Rodrigues Santos, 21-year-old Santos, one of the deportants, he said. He said he started to start his astam and struggled to breathe, so Ice agents brought him in front of the plane and poured water on the head. “Children began to cry, parents shouted, hopeless,” he said. “This is when you decide to do something.”
Mr. Santos and other deportations, Muggy cabinet, defective men, physically affected by ice agents standing on the road, they began to push the ways of the corridors. Agents and passengers shouted and pushed each other and said they were a few deportations. Then some passengers opened the emergency performances.
In a few minutes, at least seven shackles came out of the wing. “Call the police!” One shouted, according to The moment’s video.
Brazilian federal police eventually entered the cabin and ordered ice agents to the Brazilians. Deputies with people who are at the airport and videos and videos, said they wanted to remove ice agents before leaving the plane.
“But no one would allow the passengers themselves said:” No, you don’t take handcuffs now, “said Mr. Campos.
News showed people involved along the tarmac. Brazilian officials then produced the chains and passengers held at night at Manaus Airport. Brazil’s military aircraft took them to Belo Horizonte on Saturday.
There were the Brazilian Minister of Human Rights Macaé Evanisto. “I am here at the request of President Lula,” he said. a video Sent by the Brazilian government. “Our position is that countries can have immigration policy, but no one can disrupt the rights.”
Crackdown São Paulo, from Brazil and Genevieve Glatsky Bogota told Colombia.