India will continue direct flights in China about five years
India and China agreed to restore direct flights between the two countries in about five years, and warned war on a deadly border dispute until recently.
The approach has also been included in the advancement of access to journalists and facilitating Hajj to a Hindu tomb in Tibet. On Monday, India’s Foreign Minister Vikram Egypt was announced on Monday.
Two nations made significant progress in recent months Restore several normal normal. Their relations were overdue the worst in ten years Management by Chinese soldiers Enter the Indian side of the controversial border in 2020. The battles died on both sides.
In October, Prime Minister Narendra Modi in India, Russia’s leader Xi Jinping, came together on the outskirts of a summit in Russia. It was the first time that the two leaders were for the first time for the right talks for five years. This conversation was possible between military leaders and diplomats between military leaders and diplomats to cancel their forces along the border in Himalayas.
Mr. Crimini’s visit to Beijing, in a number of “a number of people” in a number of “a number of” a number of “a number” “a number of” a number “” A series of “a variety of” “a number”. A variety of “a number of” a number of “in a number of” a number of “a number of” a number of “a number” “a number of” a number of “a number” “a number of” a variety of “a number” “a number of” a number “” A variety of “a number” it was.
The ministry added that two sides will meet to discuss the technical details of officials of officials, and discuss the technical details of the restrained flights since Covid-19 in 2020. not due to tension between the two countries.
At the meeting with Mr. Egyptian, China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi called on both sides to “seize the opportunity, mutual alien and mutual charm and mutual charm” and mutual charm “and mutual charm” From the Chinese Foreign Ministry.
Berry wang Information from Hong Kong.