India prohibits two drugs behind the opioid crisis in West Africa
BBC World Service

Indian authorities banned two highly addictive opioid in response to a BBC investigation, which saw that they approached a public health crisis in the parts of West Africa.
In a letter made by the BBC, India’s drug supervisor General, Dr. Rajeev Singh Raghuvanshi, drug removal and export was allowed
BBC Eye, Aveo, Aveo, found that he exported illegally A harmful blend of Tapentadol and Karisoprodol in countries such as Ghana, Nigeria and Cote d’Ivoire.
India’s Food and Medicinal Department, the company’s factory in Mumbai has been reported since then and all stocks have been seized.
Dr. Raghuvanshi, who dated Friday, asked for an investigation into the fact that all combinations of circular, Andentadolol and Karisoprodol should immediately implement.
According to him, this came after considering officials’ potential for the potential of the harmful effects of drug exploitation and the population. “
Tapentadol is a strong opioid and carisoprodol, this is a muscle comfort that is prohibited in Europe.
The carisoprodol is approved for use in the United States, but for a short period of three weeks. Removal symptoms include anxiety, insomnia and hallucinations.
The combination of two drugs does not have a licensed license for use all over the world, because it can kill breath difficulties and seizures and overdose.
Despite the risks, these opioids are popular street medicines in many West African countries, because they are very cheap and wide.

Aveo, along with a company named Westfin International, Aveo sent pharmaceutical information, and sent millions of tablets to Ghana and other West African countries.
The BBC also found the packages of these pills, aveo logo for sale in the streets of the world service, as well as in Nigerian cities and cities and cities.
Nigeria, a population of 225 million, presents the largest market for these pills. According to the National Bureau of National Statistics, about four million Nigiers were estimated that about four million niggers were abused by an opioid.
The investigation also sent an African operator to an African operator – sent a African businessman – AVEO’s Aveo factories in one of Aveo factories, Vinod Sharma, the same dangerous goods sold in West Africa.
In the secret footage, the operative sharma, the pills of the plan, says Nigeria sells to teenagers, saying, “Who loves this product.”
In response to Sharma, “OK,” they can accept that users can receive two or three pills at once, they can get “resting” and “high”.
“This is very harmful to add this to” in case of “this,” This is “this”. “
Sharma and Aveo pharmacy did not meet the request to comment when the BBC’s initial investigation is released.
India’s food and drug leadership, the sting operation seized the whole shareholder of Aveo and a statement was suspended in a statement. He added that further legal measures will be taken against the company.
The agency said the “illegal activities that tarnish the country’s reputation are” fully ready to move against everyone who participated. “
The FDA has been instructed to conduct further inspections to prevent the supply of drugs.