I have read more than 200 children. A ‘highly spoiled’ – and how 5 characters parents can get it back
When we preach the blinded children, many of us think we do not receive tantrums, to obey the rules, or simply to meet any anxiety.
However, spoiled behavior is not only unmarriage Or parents come in – it’s about emotional needs, inappropriate boundaries and lack of connection.
Like Conscious parents researcher And the coach, I have read more than 200 children and saw that the blinded behavior can sometimes show fruitless needs. Here are five signs of highly spoiled children – and how parents can try to return this behavior:
1. They fight hearing ‘no’
Because a child is difficult, it can make the rules, but unknown borders feel confusing and frustrating. If the rules feel unexpected – or a child feels powerless in decisions that affect them – they can make a sense of control.
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Advice for parents: Instead of simply “No” and progressing forward, admit your feelings, “I see you checked, but now you want to go play, but now it’s time to bed.” Borders are established, not control over the rules – about confidence and security.
2. They always want attention
Children always require attention, it often gives emotional separation or uncertainty about their location in the family. A child who does not feel safe in the bonds may want more: more time, more confirmed, more reliability.
For example, a child involved in a parent or adapted to a parent in social parameters is not necessarily not in the focus of their significance.
Advice for parents: Set a 10-20-minute-free connection every day. The more it is, the better. Try, talk or just be together with your child. Use these moments, “You are enough.”
When children reduce their need for permanent confirmation emotionally safe.
3. There are tantrums to get what they want
Tantrums are not manipulating – they make a scream for help. Children in Meltdown mode are usually great and do not have skills to process large emotions.
Often, whenever these feelings are dismissed or exceeded, when it is powerless, it is often because a child is heard.
Advice for parents: Keep calm, justify their feelings (“I see you really frustrated”) and offer comfort (I’m here until you feel better. ” Children learn emotional regulation by means of contact, not control.
4. They are against responsibility
Refuse to cleanse, avoid homework or easily absolutely difficult or lazy. Instead, they can be preserved very often from difficulties or pressed independence before they are ready on the other.
Advice for parents: Offer age-fitting, collaborative tasks. Cook together or solve small problems as a team. Just remember to celebrate their efforts rather than the results. When children are skilled and supported, the responsibility is naturally.
5. They have no gratitude
When a child moves ungrateful to irritate what they want, there is no right time. They are almost heard, cut or feel powerlessness.
When children get permanent toys, bringing the emotional connection to the place or receiving a reward, it violates the ability to evaluate those really important.
Advice for parents: Gratitude is gratification from laughter. Deal with something like your child’s meaningful moments, prepare a card preparing a card as a family as a family, to prepare a card or share small joy as a family. When they feel that they are belonging to and evaluate and appreciate their guys, they are followed.
I always remind their parents not to reward their children too much. For example, if they help clean the house, you can say that instead of making money or a sweet cure: “Thank you for helping me. I mean a lot to me and I do it together.”
The goal is to make these moments more meaningful than anything they do for a reward.
Meeting your child’s emotional needs
The material we call the cut-up behavior is not excessive – about emotional needs. True contact is not just to spend time; This is about feeling that your child is visible, valuable and deep.
When parents hesitate to control the nourishing connection of behavior, annoying moments become stronger opportunities for trust, security and lifetime emotional durability.
Reem Rauuda Conscious parents are a leading voice in a certified coach and creators Tied – Emotional intelligence, a groundbreaking parent-child connection magazine designed to trust himself and lifetime. It is widely recognized in children’s emotional security and strengthening the parent-child garden. Follow him Instagram.
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