How to access important health information that has been deleted from the CDC website

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Disease control centers and other government websites began to comply with President Donald Trump’s executive orders on January 31, removing dozens of web pages related to LGBTQ health, HIV information, racial differences and even treatment guidelines. Purge took place over the weekendLeaving millions without potentially important health and health information.

Some of the web pages were replaced with message The fact that the site “was modified to comply with President Trump’s executive orders” while others just disappeared. Some information like This webpage for LGBT health servicesIt is still available by CDC archives. However, such web pages are now difficult to find and will probably be completely eliminated as the CDC continues to obey Trump’s orders.

Read more: Missing: Thousands of government web pages removed from a new administration

But the Internet never forgets and most of the removed web pages are still available for viewing through the Internet archive Return machineS The Internet archive is best known for the scraping and archiving of a large part of the Internet as much as it can and thus has retained pages from CDC from before the president’s order. Entrepreneurs can consult the archives to obtain the information that CDC was forced to remove from its website.

Since the Internet archive is a non -profit target funded by donations, Trump’s executive orders do not affect what it can show.

How to review the web pages removed

Using is a very easy process. For the bigger part, the only information you need is the original URL for the webpage that has been downloaded. So far, they can still be found when you are looking for the topic, although the content is not visible.

The Wayback machine shows results in the form of a calendar. Some dates on the calendar will have blue or yellow circles. Blue circles mean days when the Wayback machine takes a momentary photo of a website that is available for viewing. The yellow circles are partial or incomplete captures.

Here’s how to search for things on the Internet archive. The lesson works the same if you are on a mobile browser or web browser.

  1. Go to the internet archive Return machineS
  2. Put the URL you are looking for in the website search box.
  3. Once the calendar appears, look for all kinds of dates in the calendar with blue circles.
  4. If not, go back to the top of the search results and click on where it says “2024” to load last year’s photos.
  5. Once you find the latest date with a blue circle, click or tap on it.
  6. Wayback Machine will show you a photo taken from this webpage from that date.

Once you have finished, you will have a photo of the deleted page. For example, here CDC guidelines for LGBTQ care from the Wayback machine. The Wayback machine can be slow and since many users are looking for these removed web pages, you may need to try your search several times to pass it.

Here are some of the CDCs removed


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