How did Sudanese and Palestine made it to Super Bowl | Opinion

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The performance of the Super Bowl Halftime show on Sunday night, a performer was removed The flags of Sudan and Palestine. In an event, which is carefully managed as a Super Bowl, his break was soon managed by security and not shown in live broadcast. But as it is, he was deeply symbolic.

This reflects the decision to violate and talk the censorship of the main platforms of the Palestinian people. When encountering systematic suppression, it was found pretty in a system in a system to make their voices heard.

Indeed, for more than a year, water and Palestinian people have made every effort to speak. They risks to fight, organized and direct their lives to their struggles. But the world refused to listen.

This was not the first time to delete the suffering of a super pot. Last year, while watching millions of American games, Israel, at least, carried out the massacre 67 Palestinians An area defined as the “safe zone” of the Israeli army, where he is a shelter of 1.4 million Palestinians in Rafah. Timing was not accidental. Israel knew that the American media is too great to pay attention and care.

Many of our activists, many of us knew we have to see the ways to distract. Recognizes the staff, I released Different types of Super Bowl commercial – Not something that sells chips or cars, but one person reminiscent of the crimes was actively activated in Gaza. There was an extensive shared ad in social media, a simple but emergency message: America draws attention. As we are amusing, children are killed with our tax dollars. As we are happy to teams, our government provides weapons that make Palestinian homes into mass graves.

The Romans called this “bread and circuses” – nourish and sit down and do not rise or not differ. Super Bowl, the largest circus of modern America, a distraction, which is carefully produced from the atrocities of our nation.

However, there are moments like the protest of Sunday night that demonstrates that everyone does not want to attract attention.

There are moments such as protest of January 15, 2024 More than 400,000 people In Washington, DC, Israel will end to commit a complication against us in the Palestinian genocide – mass mobilization. This was a dwarf protest in the nation’s capital – but the media hardly covered it. If 400,000 people gathered for any other reason, evening news would manage the prevailing social media and the next morning filled headlines. But silence for Palestine.

It was not a control. It was a deliberate effort to suppress the sounds calling for Palestinian freedom.

Palestinians should always fight for visibility. When they were blocked from the main platforms, they took to social media. If the protests were not taken into account, they organized larger. When deleted, they made it impossible to forget.

It is a similar story in many ways, but there are unique considerations. If Palestinian was deliberately censored, it is almost completely ignored. The people of Sudan were destroyed by a war that destroyed his countries. Every war crimes against the people of Water were made. The scale of suffering is amazing: tens of thousands of civilians were killed, and more than eight million people were IDPs, and all villages were burned and hunger. And still remains an explanation in Western media.

Sudan activists responded with Hashtag #Eeyeson, they will pay attention to a hopeless plea for the world. However, their crystal, like the Palestinians, are killed, Susan is met with silence.

The deposit of Sudan’s story is the result of a media system that only prioritizes conflicts that serve political interests. Unlike Sudan, Ukraine or Israel, the West does not correspond to the foreign policy agenda. There is no stimulus to cover. No rally from politicians. There is no help flooding. Millions of people just suffered. The darkness of the media in Sudan is not only indifferent; Having difficulty in the ridge of all people.

What happened in the Super Bowl for Sudanese and Palestine was not the only act of disobedience. When all the official channels failed them were part of a long tradition of people who had to break silence. It reminded that the main stream will not want to delete the suffering of Sudan and Palestine, the truth will pass.

Despite the arrests, blacklist and severe depositing, hundreds of thousands of people are breaking in the streets of Palestine. It is divided into Sudan and Palestinian communities that risk their lives to attract the attention of the world’s attention. When the actions of independent journalists and otroots tell the real story, it is divided into a digital area where corporate media goes.

Last night, it was broken on the stage of one of the most watched events in the world.

The views shown in this article are unique and definitely reflect the editorial position of Gazir.


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