High-level explosion Moscow housing complex Kiev was reportedly killed by the Ukrainian separatist
The Russian media was killed in a luxury residential complex in a luxury residential complex with an eastern criminal and separatist person.
Armen Sargsyan, a well-known Mafia boss from Eastern Ukraine, which forms a battalion to fight Kiev, is the final target of explosions in Russian lands.
Russia has been hit by a number of killings and mysterious explosions since Attack in Ukraine In 2022.
Sargsyan has been suspected of suspicious of the SBU Security Service of Kiev and Ukraine since 2014 in December.
“Sargsyan died in the hospital after the assassination in Moscow.”
Russian police said that in the north-west of Moscow in the north-west of Moscow, in the northwestern Moscow.
Tatyana Makeeyeva / Afp Getty Images via
The Kremlin said that special services are employed at the scene and “the information was clarified,” the special services said.
Kyiv did not comment yet.
Said in December it was behind it The killing of the Russian army General Igor Kirillov The most daring attack in Moscow. Last May, US State Department Declared sanctions He noted the use of chloropchin, chloropchin, chloropchin, which was first placed in the World War against the United States in the US Kirillov section.
“I’m very scared of”
Russia’s commercial newspaper, Sarkisian (Sargsyan) entered the building with security officers, said that one of the guards from the guards “explosive device”.
Images released by Russia’s main investigation agency, the Investigative Committee, showed a building hall that dissolved the glass doors crushing and hanging ceilings.
The committee said that by injuring the public, opened a crime zone for the blast on charges of criminal charges and opened a criminal zone on criminal charges by trying to kill two or more people.
Police closed a high-rise building of red bricks and a helicopter arrived at the scene.
At the same time, a nearby 37-year-old manager Andrei said his colleagues did not go to the blast, before going outside and smoke, “he said.
The explosion went outside a residential building after the explosive device, which was second to the second killing on Moscow’s streets, Kirillov in less than two months.
Olga Voronova, a 36-year-old mother living in the building, which was next to the explosion, was worried.
“I’m very afraid,” said AFP.
“I do not understand how this happened, we have serious security guards, they ask each car in inspection points, and for guests, for family members,” he said. “So I don’t understand all this, it is very terrible.”
Russian media saraki said that a unit of Arbat “Arbat” in 2022 said he said.
According to SBU, Sargsyan was “close” former Ukrainian leader Viktor Yanukovych, and since 2014, it was a list search on “Organization of crimes” during the supporter of Kiev.
SBU said he looked at prisons in prisons in the occupied Donetsk region of Sargsyan’s prisoners.
“The efforts continue to criminate the criminal against Ukraine,” he said.
Kommersant said many ethnic Armenians were “about 500 people”, which is the saraki.
According to the Russian media, Sargsyan was born in Armenia, but also moved to Gorlivka of Ukraine, but also used the Pseunonymy of Armen Gorlovsky, referring to the industrial city.
Gorlivka has been under the Russian separatist control since 2014.
Other target attacks
Several prominent figures were killed in the target attacks, which were expected by Ukraine since Russia occupied.
In December a The bomb was planted under a machine Sergei Yevsukov, Sergei Yevsukov in the occupied Donetsk, the Russian-occupied Ukraine, was killed by Former President of Onykrian prisoner Sergei Yevsukov in the missile strike in July 2022. Russian officials said the suspects were taken into custody in the attack.
Darya Dugina, Russian TV channels and the Kremlin associated nationalist ideologue Alexander Dugin, daughter Darya Duugina, 2022 Cars Died in Bombing The suspect was directed to the father of the known.
Vladlen Tatarsky, a famous military blogger, Died in April 2023In a party in St. Petersburg, a statuette exploded. The BGI said he presented a statuette on a contact order in Ukraine been convicted of And he was sentenced to 27 years in prison.
Illia Kiva, Moscow, who fleeed to Russia in December 2023, Illia Kiva shot and killed Near Moscow. Ukraine warned to kill military intelligence and other “traitors of Ukraine” will share the same fate.