Grenfell Tower was the trap of death. Some wanted to stop as a warning.

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Crowns with a white color and green hearts for about eight years, Grenfell Tower, Grenfell Tower stood as a tragic monument of the Battle of Britain World War II. On Friday, the government confirmed that he would demolish the building, where 72 people were killed in a flame in accordance with a public survey fatal combination negligence, expense cutting and regulation.

The decision, Deputy Prime Minister, by Angela Rayoner, when the families of the victims were divided He told them Official announcement on Wednesday. Some condemned the plan to demonstrate the building to justice to the disaster; Others could not tolerate the indefinite period in their current state of tower.

The undergraduated debate on Grenfell Tower, in New York City and 9/11 attacks of Washington or the bombing of the federal building in Oklahoma, or destroyed structures and memory.

Ms. Rayner said that the demolition, protective blonde will be carried out in a methodatic over two years. Parts and material from the fortress will be protected to be able to participate in a future memory. Carefully statementApartment, communities and communities and the Ministry of Government, tried to walk the emotional crossings of the dispute.

“The tower was 72 innocent people who lost their lives and lost their lives.” The talks remains a sacred site. It is clear that there is no consensus on the occurrence. “

The government may react when Rayer’s survivors and victims decided after a meeting with the families of the victims. One of the groups, Grenfell United accused them of ignoring them, and claimed to be less support for tearing in his room.

The body, Hesham Rahman, in the fire, claiming that the government briefly converted the dispute by claiming the government briefly, he said that the building is completely demolished.

“There is no reason for the tower to come to all the way,” Mr Mussilhy said. “There are parts that may remain forever.”

However, in addition to relative, another group of Grenfell should be in the memorial rather than protecting the blackened remnants of the building. “Wishing all the tower will last forever? Yes. Is this a choice? Not in the structural point of view,” he said. “Do we need a way forward? Yes.”

Although the building was strengthened after the fire with thousands of props, structural engineers warned to worsen. The government said that more than one floor protection does not make sense in terms of engineering. It will protect a smaller number of floors, so it will raise capital issues with the families of the victims.

“It would be fair to maintain some floors of the building, which is important for some families, so it did not know for others, for some, this would be a deep concern.”

Some claimed that the building was preserved and in an incident. The state survey came to the conclusion that unusern producers, which make the tower after the fire after the fire after the fire on June 14, 2017.

The request report also accused the local council that supervises the repair of the 24-storey building, as well as to reduce costs, as well as the conservative leader who wants to reduce costs. Originally built in 1972, Grenfell Tower became a brutal space near London’s highest levels of London.

According to him, the government met with police, Coroner Office and a public survey, all said that they are needed to continue the fire. Metropolitan police cannot bring first criminal charges until 2027.

The treatment of sites occurred by a loss of sites has long been a naughty issue. After destroying a federal building in Oklahoma in 1995, the truck was a live controversy about protecting and showing the remains of a building destroyed as a monument to 168 people killed.

A small part of the building’s granite wall has been preserved and integrated into a memorial form. More symbolically, four years of attack was a segment of a circulation-link fence for flowers, photographs and other mementos, which covers the site four years and leaves visitors.

“These conversations are not related to the right or mistake,” said the history of the history of the memorial commissions to respect victims of victims of terrorist attacks and mass skills. “This is who you choose to respect whose sensitivity and why.”

In the case of the Grenfell Tower, another complex layer of unresolved searches for justice: The fire has the same quality, not an attack in Oklahoma, or in the city of September 11, 2001.

“When any material in which any material is created – empty wire, class issues, weak regulation by power – increasing the violence,” said Professor Linenthal. “People who don’t assume they died there. If he decides to do, he has to take time and take care of carefully.”

There is a bond and a monument to reach the sky between the proposals for the memorial. Last month, Grenfell Tower Memorial Commission Called a short list of five candidates to submit designs. He hopes to choose the team that won until the end of the summer and present a detailed plan until the end of 2026.

Green hearts and green hearts and “Grenfell, forever in our hearts”, sealed in the top of the Grenfell Tower, “Grenfell, forever”, the symbol of socio inequality and rampant costs. Some are even a source of comfort.

“It continues to feel close to people they lost some people to see the tower every day,” he said. “It is a painful reminder of what happened for others and has a daily impact on some members of society.”


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