Germany’s financial u turn can be a ‘game change’ for the slow economy of the country, analysts say

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Markus Söder, President of CSU and President of Bavarian Friedrich Merz, CDU / CSU Parliamentary Group and SPD President SPD President SPD President SPD President SPD President SPD President SPD President SPD President SPD Chairman held a press conference.

Kay Nietfeld / DPA | Photo Alliance | Getty pictures

Germany’s promising financial u shift can prove the transformation of the country to fight the economy and European protection – but the Berlin deputies do not have a lot of time for the historic turn.

The financial and economic policies were highly controversial in Germany during the previous referee coalition, and as a result, it was seen contributing to his conclusion gravy at the end of last year. The Christian Democratic Union and Negotiations in the February Chests and its Christian Public Union branches, in the February Chests – and the Social Democratic Party held something that continued to achieve something.

Tuesday, probably the Chancellor Friedrich Merz Other political leaders have announced that they plan to reform a long-term financial column known as Germany Debt brake, to allow particularly higher defense spending. A special 500 billion euros ($ 535 billion) specifically found for infrastructure.

To annoy these plans, it means changes in the German Constitution, which requires two-thirds of parliament. This will probably work at the moment – but the newly elected parliamentary representatives will be very difficult to achieve once this month comes together.

Therefore, the voting in the constitutional tweaks may be pushed during the week.

‘Great, brave, unexpected – a game changer’

“Great, bold, unexpected game change,” Meaningful “package,” Meaningful “package has changed the worldview for the German economy.

For several years, Germany’s economy is slow on the edge of technical decline, as the total domestic product has declined. The National GDP is an alternative between expansion and contraction in every quarter in 2023 and 2024.

The country, infrastructure problems, including infrastructure problems, as well as a number of issues and pressures that contribute to some areas that contribute to the growth of the home embroidery and historically autos.

There is already hope to change. The planned special investment vehicle can benefit the country’s economy, experts.

Markets can expect economic boost and Germany’s growth calculations can be increased, Florian Schuster-Johnson, Deernat Zukunft, CNBC’s street signs “Street Signs Europe” told Europe.

“I think this will openly increase the domestic demand, as this new infrastructure and companies will now have a need for this new infrastructure and companies to build new government orders,” he said.

In Germany, the offer of financial change is 'noteworthy', economists say

The higher defense expenses can also have a long-term impact on the economy, as a result, the increase in production opportunities, which can be transferred to civilian use, SchIster-Johnson added.

Deutsche Bank research economists said on Tuesday that this could push Germany above the target of 2% of GDP in 2012.

“Tonight, healthy rhetorship shows that the open debt room for defense will be used at a pace that can bring at least 3% to at least 3% of German defense costs at least 3%.

Merz, geopolitical development has claimed that large measures should be taken to strengthen the security and defense capabilities of Germany and Europe.

“In light of our prizes and peace of our prizes and peace of our peace, we must refer to defense,” he said.

Although political ads are mainly useful, other financial and budget plans of the probable new coalition are still in future and the German economy is the leader of the global Macro Carsten.

“The formal coalition talks will still reduce the positive effects of the established financial incentives, which will not rule out some expenditure cuts.”

Elsewhere, Laumann Baumann, a part-sighted side alternative Deutschland, said the party’s announcement reserved the initial legal review and the right to move.

Policy details

The details goes on the details, 500 billion euros will not be part of the Federal Budget of the Special Investment Fund, but it will be funded via credit without recommending the new debt. Funds will be used for more than 10 years, transport, energy, education, civil property and other infrastructure are paid. The federal states will also allocate some funds to support their finances.

To prevent cash from the debt brake, the Fund will be rooted in the constitution and release the financial order.

Like the floor, the debt brake is how much the government can take and dictates how much the federal government’s structural budget deficit should be more than 0.35% of the country’s annual GDP.

A key change under the new plan will not be calculated to the brake cover of defense expenditures, which is more than 1% of Germany’s GDP, ie these expenses will no longer be limited.

The German 'debt brake' rule remains elephan in the room after the election: ing

German states will be allowed to borrow more than before and long-term proposals will be carried out to modernize debt brakes and strengthen investment.

The proposed debt brake is overhauled by the CDU-CSU election campaign, and during this period, the parties placed many times as they want to cling to Angela Merkel-Era. Merz suggested that a number of reforms could be open.

Market reaction

Plans are widespread Market reactionWith the German Dax As German companies, German companies have dropped by Pan-European Stoxsh 600, 3.4% of construction and production firms have made significant gains as German lenders.

German debt costs increased. Comes in German 10 years of bondsEURO SEARCH SHOULD BE SHOULD BEING SHOULD BE A PART 25 2 years Spiked with more than 6 points.

Denat Zukunft’s Schuster-Johnson told CNBC, the pace of the market reaction and a surprise was proposed in the scale of proposed changes.

“The bottom line is Germany and Germany is funded,” he said. “This movement we see last night is really noteworthy. You know that the Germans sometimes move late and sometimes do so in great steps and do it very much.”


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