FTP acquires Coastal Flood Underwriters to bolster flood insurance

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FTP, a new Jersey-based management agency (MGA), has acquired coastal flood barrels for an undisclosed amount.

FTP expects to achieve its flooding security solutions.

In 2017, the coastal flood barrels were established by Paul Papangelu, who has an examination in the field of underwriting, risk management and national courses.

The company offers flood insurance solutions, presenting more than 19 private flood insurers and a national flood insurance program (NFIP) and servicing customers in 28 US states.

Paul Papangelu, who is under the coastal flood, said: “Joining forces with FTP, Inc.

FTP President Frank Powell stated:

At the end of this month, the FTP plans to present its flood platform, a comparative platform that will include the FTP’s own managed flood program with other industrial flood products.

FTP, which is concentrated in the Old Bridge, in the Old Bridge of New Jersey, has been a provider of professional professional solutions since 1957.

A community with access to more than 100 carriers FTP offers personal and commercial insurance products on both accepted and untreated.

“FTP acquires flood insurance under coastal flood” originally created and published International Life InsuranceGlobaldata owned brand.

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