Frozen slush drinkers can make children sick, learn to learn

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A famous summer treatment may be hidden dangers Children’s healtha new job warning.

Researchers at the University College were investigated by 21 children who were ill after the Dublin consumed “empty ice drink” between 2009 and 2024.

The vast majority of the children, none of the medical conditionHe was sick in an hour of drinking.

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Patients under the age of 2, who are age 6, have all taken Medical treatment In the UK and in Ireland.

Boys drink slushy

Treatment of the famous summer, children’s health can be hidden dangers for a new job warning. (Idle)

The most common symptoms are a sharp decline in consciousness, hypoglic acid (low blood sugar), metabolic acid (lactic acid), pseudohypertriglisca (fake triglicides) and hypokalaemia (low potassium levels), according to the findings published in BMJ magazines (low potassium levels).

“Children had a very low blood sugar level, it was unconscious (one was seized) and the author of the lead research, Pediatrician and University College in the Children’s Health Ireland, and a pediatrician Dighital.

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“When they were healing their blood and Sider, they had a high level of glycerol. They were well saved, but they should be hospitalized and needed venadic fluids.”

Researchers closed the consumption of this icy drinks Curved glycerol, can cause a syndrome called glycerol intoxication.

Most of the children (95%) did not continue the symptoms after escaping drinks.

What is Glycerol?

“Glycerol is used as a sweetener and some (not all) to protect the semi-frozen texture of icy drinks,” he said.

“In recent years, it is often used as a sugar substitute,” he said. “Big doses can be harmful to small children.”

Slushy drinks at the exhibition

Researchers conclude that the consumption of gli-glycerol ice drinks can be caused by the syndrome called Glycerol Intoxions. (Idle)

After consuming slush drink of sudden illness, the effect was never informed Medical literatureCrushell noted.

There are some restrictions on this work, researchers admit.

“Numbers are small and include the most sick children who are brought to ambulance departments and applied to experts in inherited metabolic diseases,” he said.

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“They looked like some rare metabolic diseases of the symptoms, because some rare metabolic diseases. We do not know the degree of children who can develop softer symptoms.”

Other restrictions are unknown in the amount of glycerol in different slush drinks.

Recommendations for parents

Crushell noted that icy drinks did not deliver “drink Health benefits Every age “and not recommended as part of a healthy, balanced diet.

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The British Food Standards Agency and the Irish Food Safety Organization (FSAI) leads the recommendation of children to prevent 4 children and consumption icy drinks For glycerol and 5 children, just drink them moderately.

Girl drink slushy

The researcher said they said they said, “It does not convey the benefits of health at any age, and not as part of a healthy, balanced diet. (Idle)

“The use of slush ice machines in the house should be monitored,” Crushell is recommended. “Parents and guardians must check the items used to make slush ies and track the manufacturer’s instructions for the manufacturer’s use.”

Researchers hope that this new work can lead to the development of new policies and management related to glycerol reception.

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