French Court, #Metoo Claim Director Christophe Ruggia
A French court sentenced Ruggia who sexually arrested Haenel, who was in a four-year-old house in prison and the rest of the two-year actress in the rest of the two-year actress in the rest of the French trial.
It was the first major case The accusation of sexual misbehavior in French cinema was held in 2017 and was met with a To withdraw a violent in France.
Mr Ruggia drew attention as the judges explained the guilty.
“You have benefited from the impact of the young actress Adèle Haenel,” Judge, Gilles Fonrougue.
Ms. Haenel, when he was sentenced, Mr. Ruggia did not pay 50,000 euros or paying about $ 51,300 or damaged, no clear emotion. When Paris left the court, the women gathered outside were applauded. A lawyer told Mr Ruggia that he plans to appeal to the customer.
Mr Haenel, Mr. Ruggia, was in the film “Satan” in the film “Satan” in 2002, and when he was 36 years old, he was 36 years old. The apartment, where he says, did not fit and sexually assaulted.
When Ms. Haenel first reveals such accusations in 2019, he was First Great French Actress Talk about the abuse story because #Metro moves emerged. He was a star praised for severe but sensitive performances, the French equivalent of the Oscars, two césars, the French equivalent.
Mr Ruggia was a relatively unknown director, but in the world of French cinema played a prominent role in the unity of French directors and had a reputation to make a film to protect social justice and migrants and human rights.
The case was of great interest to the country. The trial was full of Ms. Haenel’s supporters for two days Test in December.
The two contradictory versions of the past were presented in these two days. Ms. Haenel described Mr. Ruggia’s regular Saturday sessions in Paris apartment, where the French film cinema is designed to teach the classics of the film cinema, in a hurry.
He imitating his voice, he hurt his thighs and kissed his thighs and put his hand under his shirt to touch his hands and tubine and abroad. When he was 15, he broke his relations with him, and he has been experiencing shame and depression for years.
The most important thing called “The most important thing I’ve seen in my life” tried to break the loneliness of the former 12-year-olds and other children. “
“It’s actually wanting to die when no one is talking,” Ms. Haenel, now 35 years old, wrote 35 in court, the face kicks his face with tics and legs.
“Close!” The director shouted at a time and came out of the courtroom.
Mr. Rugia discount lady Haenel’s account is like “pure lies”. He said the young actress and his kookent, vincent rots, a deep connection, which extended for a long time after filming. He kissed him and grabbed him and pleaded him, but he said in the form of a father.
“These were kind gestures,” he said. Just once, he said: “The shirt leaped him around him, he said he was exposed to his chest. He said he asked him and asked him to sit in the chair.
Although he passed the sexual intercourse and talking about him, Mr. Rugia said that he had broken his heart after cutting his ties.
“For me, Adèle was a child, a peadolescent,” he said.
Mr Rugia defended that Mrs. Haenel then puts him a romantic relationship and pushed his platonic relations to think again and re-thinking.
“I think he’s radicalized,” he said, “He had to be #metoo in France and had to fall on me.”
Ms. Haenel’s story is widely explored since the day it was published in 2019 Article in MediaPartA French investigation site was expelled from Mr. Ruggia Cinema. Brittany in northwestern France, moved to care for his mother and live outside the welfare. He expected in the trial in the trial, “If I will be able to reset or not, he said that I expected my years to see my life back.
Since the disclosure, Haenel stopped working in the cinema. Then, in a public letter that sexual exploits in the industry are preserved and the victims think of the “disappearance and silence”.
“I cancel you from my world” Wrote.
In the trial, how did the sexual harassment of the justice in France deal with the sinners of sexual harassment and victims. Ms. Haenel first explained his story to the French investigator journalist and said he did not trust the justice system.
Judges asked why Haenel did not trust the justice system. Celebrating the package courtroom, the prosecutor said in a statement that he closed: “Justice must be silenced.”