Four packs of Chipolo One Bluetooth Trackers is sold for 32 percent discount
If you constantly lose the keys, wallet and other important things, Bluetooth trackers can be of great help. Attach them to your things and you can monitor their location directly from your phone. Our current favorite is Chipolo One TrackersAnd at the moment you can hit a pack of four for just under $ 68. Chipolo has a sale that reduces the package to $ 75 but you can use the code Engadget10 For the cashier to get an additional 10 percent discount and reduce the price to $ 67.50. This code also works on Chipolo’s website, giving you an additional 10 percent discount from anything else you want to buy.
This gadget not only made our list of The best Bluetooth trackingBut this is our favorite edition in the product category. This one is an almost perfect tracker. The battery lasts for two full years, it works great with both Android and iOS devices, and the bell is incredibly strong. This is great news for those who tend to mislead the objects under the mountains of underwear or between the pillows on the sofa.
There is also no tangible lag between pressing the ring to find a button and hear a trile. This is not true of many rival trackers. It even has a comfortable hole to attach to key chains and the like. This may seem like an obvious design element, but Apple Airtags missing this holeS
The only downside is to find the network. Chipolo is not a big name like Apple or Samsung, so there are fewer people on the network. This can be a problem if you do not live in a major metropolitan area. In general, this one is ideal for searching for lost items in or near home, but not as useful when looking for the wrong things (such as luggage at an airport) out in nature.
And remember: Do you remember this coupon code before? It runs throughout the site so don’t hesitate to get a ten percent discount on everything else Chipolo does using the code Engadget10S This includes tracing portfolios that are shaped like credit cards and smaller tracking rings.
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