Former Traffigura Executive Mike Wainwright was convicted of a bribery box
There are all the elements of a financial thriller in the case of Traffigura: the chain of a shell companies located in sea air such as millions of dollars, Shady Middlemen and Virgin Islands.
Traffigura strategy, the court heard a complex payment Internet, which is paid by an official with Angola State Oil Company, 2009 and 2011.
The documents submitted to the court by Swiss prosecutors showed the authorized payments in its own hemost notepaper of Trafigura.
The strategy turned out to work: For the next few years, the court signed a contract with Angola, about $ 144 million (115.93 (£ 115.93). 138.56).
Prior to the court, his lawyers rejected a bribe, which looks like the throat. The company is independent of compliance and anti-corruption measures and it is said to be excellent.
But the gravity of evidence – with them, emails and memories – discovered a different picture: a serious anti-corruption measures on paper, but a complex structure to avoid these events. In the center of this, anonymous was a mediation called “Mr. inappropriate” in an anonymous Geneva office.
The court will send a cold through commodity brokers in the world, but in Geneva, especially in Geneva, where Trafigura and many other commodity trading homes are headquarters.
Eerie coincident was delivered a night before the verdict, a fire in the five-star hotel des bergue – where, in 2008 an Angolan official in 2008, was left in the account of a angolan official.
Swiss federal prosecutors hope to have a symbol for the finar finish end of the work.
They allowed the highest court of Switzerland, which was the worst crimes such as terrorist crimes.
Trafigura is now encountered by a large subtle and Wainwright that is in the court of judgment and denies the charges, served in prison for at least one year of the 32-month penalty.
However, he was immediately taken into custody, and wanted to put the complaint’s lodge.