Former Philippine President Rodrigo DutyTeTe ‘warned war on drugs’ says

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Interpol was arrested in connection with the former Philippine President Rodrigo Dutyterte, the International Criminal Court (ICC) to arrive in Manila to the main airport in Tuesday.

ICC said that the bloody “related drugs associated with drugs” that killed thousands of Philippines will conduct the investigation into the bloody “war” of the bloody “war” of the bloody “war”.

Dutyterte Monday was ready to be arrested in Hong Kong on Monday, the ICC was ready to be arrested and repeatedly defended the attack of drugs. Unless self-defended, the drug refused to order the police to order the suspects.

The office of President Ferdinand Marcos JR, the police officially copied the warranty served in Dutyte. Dutyterte was already in control.

Dutyte’s former legal advice Salvador Panel, said he was illegal in arrest, and said that he did not allow him to meet at the airport at the airport.

Filiprand Dutytle, when the Philippines began to look after the allegations of systemic officer, and refused to cooperate with the ICC investigation by the ICC investigation.

“Drug War”, a Maverick, who is a Maverick in 2016, as a mayor of the criminal Surtlama, the criminal case was the mayor of the criminal case, in 2016 was a policy of signature.

According to the police, 6200 suspects were killed in the shootings during drug trafficking. However, activists, the real money of the murders, thousands of drug users with thousands of drug user in the country’s slums, were even greater with a large number of drugs for killed in a mysterious situation.

Police participate in these murders and systematic execution and coatings deny allegations from legal groups.


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