Faded Texas continued massacre

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As of this writing, nine films appeared in the Texan Media series. Original Tobe Hooper 1974, “Texan Network”, remains one of the best horror films of all time and peoples that pull viewers through violence and dirt, which rarely fits on the big screen. Hupeur’s movie feels nonsense and thick, and when it was made and edited by Cannibal Hillbillies.

Many continuation have a dubious canonical value. The series presents several reboot and restructuring of continuity, at least three, restarting/rebooting the franchise, or which serve directly into the original. Only the central concept remains: in the bowels of the rural Texas, the remote clan of the Sayyer was cut off from civilization, leaning on cannibalism (and perhaps incest) to survive, and a group of unsuspecting Drive Drive on the property of the Soyer family and undergoing attacks killed and eaten. Many The crimes demonstrated in the “Texas Network of the Pila” were directly inspired by Ed Gayne’s crimesWisconsin’s serial killer who liked to make furniture from human bones.

In 1986, Huper made his first sequel “Texan massacre with a chainsaw.” In 1986, it was more wild and cartoon than delicate original, but there was still a lot of blood and death for the nuts in the audience. “Mr. 2” starred with Bill Mosella as one of the cannibal hills, top. In 1990 and 1995, there was an additional sequel, but Huper did not manage these (“Skirov: Texan Pabrygent with Chainsaw III” was done by Jow Berrra, and “Texan massacre: the next generation was made by Kim Henkel).

According to lost media wikiHowever, the son of Hupeur William began to do his own direct continuation of the “Texas massacre in the chainsaw 2” in 1999. Designed to release on the 25th anniversary of the franchise “All American Pabryge” was to show Mosella in the central role, and actor Brian Patrick Brian Patrick was to be presented in the central role, and actor Brian Patrick Patrick, and actor Brian Patrick, and actor Brian Patrick, and actor Brian Patrick , and actor Brian Patrick Carol – better known as the Buckethead guitarist – had to play Leatherface.

In 2025, footage was mostly lost.

All American massacre was done … but mostly lost

Can be found Trailer for “American massacre” It is easy enough on the Internet and see that William Huper intended to shoot a continuation using high -end video cameras (the novelty at the time, as well as standing for the genre directors with low budget content). Can also find 96-second clip with a bucket in the form of a skin On YouTube, though little happens in the video outside the skin that breaks with a chainsaw and moaning in a panic.

This clip, according to “Lost Media Wiki”, is the only famous shot from the actual movie (except the trailer) survivor. Vicky also notes that the full 35 -millionth printing “All American Madymary” is a print that once belonged to producer Eric H. Lashery – once sold on eBay. But it was back in 2013, and the researchers were unable to find a person who may have acquired printing.

No other footage has never appeared, but a lot of information about “American massacre” has been distributed over the years. According to Interview in 2004. Fearing Centrally to MosellaChop’s main character was renamed Bloody Bobby for copyright reasons, and Moseli was only one 16-hour-old shooting on the set. Moseli said he agreed to be in the “American massacre” because he would like to be in good condition with Hupera. He described the scene he shot as an interview similar to a tabloid, which received Bloody Bobby with the hero “Gerald River” and that he provides material for the film. It seems that “all American massacre” was to be mainly retrospective.

In the horror community there was also a press about “all American punishment” and can be found Old Pages Geocities Talking about it.

Press — Release American punishment

Press Press -Releases and Geocities are an exciting look at how the excitement moves, and how it will not always explode in the main consciousness. The publicist of the film named after Carney, although it was just a pseudonym for Lasher.

The press -release states that “all American massacre” had to be quite short, and it strengthened the description of the Moselle project. Read:

“” All American Medicine “is about a 60-minute movie that has completely shot a high-resolution digital video, intended as a tribute” Texas massacre with a chainsaw “and its continuation” TCM2 “. The story focuses on the memories of the infamous serial killer, which has been interviewed by the Tabloids for ten years.

The press -release continued:

“The acting is presented by Bill Moselle (cuts with” TCM2 “) as a demented but cute killer, Todd Beat,” among others) playing a killer in his youth, and Stefan Locotsh (“Man with Crochet”) and Daniel Burga (“” “And” Vampire “John Carpener as a pair of unhappy victims, as well as talented as newcomers and relative unknown.

Moseley also mentioned the project in Interview 2001 on a site called ArachniaBut he did not offer new information. A full -known acting warehouse was composed in Wiki Lost Media but no major celebrities were found, unlike Rene Zelveger and Matthew McConah in the next generation, the next generation, which /movie once occupied the fourth best Texas movie about chainsaw.

What is the whole American massacre and why is it lost?

Bookend’s material in “All American Medicine” was supposed to happen 12 years after the “Texas massacre 2”, catching up from above, he was a bloody bobby when he was thrown into a mental hospital. The retrospect sequence will take place before the original “Texas chain saw” and go through the transitions of the young upper/Bobby (Tod Bates). According to Lasher, the film costs a very tiny $ 15,000, which is certainly in the spirit of inexpensive originals. He also claims that Buckethead really played in Sealesecface in certain scenes, but that he took on the role at some point during production. “All American” ignored the events of “Leatherface” and “next generation”. (Most people ignore the “next generation” including its stars.)

And why is the movie missing? Nobody knows for sure. Despite the fact that “all American massacre” was made by the son of Tobe Hupeur, he was still not sanctioned by any studio, which made him assume that the film had never secured the right to characters or iconography “Texas chainsaw.”

According to article in bloody disgustingThe reason that no one saw “all American massacre” was because it was too expensive for distribution. Tobe Hooper launched in 2011, hoping to get the funds to finally release the movie, but Kickstarter did not reach its goal. No one has traced the ready movie, and it still remains unclear.

In 2022, the director of Edward Paison “Made” in search of all American punishments: “Lost Texas” as an attempt to get additional information about the film and may even find his location. While the interview is a fascinating look at the world of low-budget horror film production, Doc Crew hasn’t actually revealed a print suitable for public sales.

If you have a copy let us know.


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