Expect Google to pull more gemini AI on Google I/O on May 20

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Google has declared the date for his annual Developer Conference This year. Google I/O will be held May 20 and 21 May In the Mountain View coastline amphitheater, California. You can visit official website To register for the event that allows you to watch it online or get a ticket to attend personally. There are and there are Puzzle On the website, if you are in such things. I’m not, so I won’t deal with it.

This is the seventh time Google hosts its conference in its backyard, not counting the two years they have taken away from the global pandemic. Google usually launches its developer conferences with a massive, two -hour main note that catch up with developers, users and shareholders for what follows for the various platforms and projects of the company. Over the last few years, it has been the most artificial intelligence, more special twins and the way it slowly adapts into the ecosystem.

This year we are definitely focusing on another AI developer conference. This is all that Google has been pushing in the last few years and that’s all I expect at this point. It’s hard to imagine something else that focuses.

Last year, Google I/O was held early in May -during the Taurus season, more special, a zodiac sign, which is considered justified and hardworking. This year’s Google I/O 2025 takes place on the first day when the Sun is in Gemini, which is an air sign considered charming and adaptive. I am curious to see what the vibration will be for this year’s developer conference. We hope it is more interesting than what Dropped last yearS Although Google I/O 2024 brought us Astra project And, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh f Precious stonesHowever, let me scratch my head what exactly I should do with all these new integrations.

The official website of Google I/O 2025 connects to the model of Gemma Open, Google Ai Studio and Notebooklm, insinting that the bigger part of the conference workshop will be based on integrating the developers to integrate these models into their Products. This year I will hope to be more focused on when Use twins and other assistants.

A fun fact: this week is also Microsoft Conference ConferenceWhere the company is likely to get a lot of AI integration into its Windows, Gaming and Office products. This will be a week of understanding only how many AI will be the center of attention of the software and the platforms we use.


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