Epic brings Fortnite in ARM Windows -based systems

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Fortnite will be available on ARM Windows-based machines later this year. In a Developer Epic Games said he works with Qualcomm to get the extremely popular game compatible with the new Windows architecture, offering Windows to Snapdragon support for Epic Online Services Anti-Cheat, also known as Easy Anti-Cheat.

Microsoft makes To convert its computational ecosystem into ARM -based Windows 11, especially since it puts more resources behind its line on S While Qualcomm said last year that It must be compatible with its Snapdragon chips, titles with Anti-Cheat Tech at the nucleus level would create a problem. And this is the approach that Epic uses to prevent infidelity in Fortnite and with its easy -to -fight chemistry program.

Epic did not offer a more concrete time line except "later this year," But the availability of support for the company’s games and services will be important for gaming gamers and game developers to convert to ARM systems.

This article originally appeared on Engadget at https://www.engadget.com/gaming/pc/epic-is-is-roging-to-arm-arm-basn-windows-81528822.html?src=ss


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