Elevation Lab’s TimeCapsule is a waterproof 10-year battery case for your AirTag

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A company called Elevation Lab has drop an accessory for Apple AirTag which extends battery life by up to 10 years and makes it waterproof. The TimeCapsule is essentially a case that holds your AirTag and two AA batteries. You don’t have to open up your AirTag and mess with it—you just need to remove its back plate and coin-operated battery before attaching it to the case. As you can see, this will make your tracker much larger and significantly heavier, so it’s mostly ideal for use with large objects such as vehicles and large suitcases.

Elevation Lab

TimeCapsule can extend the battery life of your AirTag up to 10 years.

$20 at Amazon

As Elevation Lab says in its announcement, TimeCapsule can facilitate the management of multiple AirTags. No longer will you have to replace their batteries every year just to make sure they work as intended if you lose your stuff. That said, the batteries you use will dictate how long it will take before you need to unscrew the case and replace them. Elevation Lab’s recommended Energizer Ultimate lithium batteries are 1.5V each and have a capacity of over 3000mAh, which is why they can power the AirTag for up to a decade. Other AA batteries will work with the case, but they may not be as efficient, depending on their specifications. How much you spend on the whole setup will depend on the batteries you choose, but the case itself will set you back $20.


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