Each accusation of Diddz from the former band’s star creation

Creation group Once upon a time he was one of the most popular reality -MTV, but since then several former contestants have aligned allegations against the producer Sean “Didi” comb.
The realistic series was premiered at ABC in 2000 before moving to MTV and promised to gather the band at the end of each season. The show was focused on the formation of a specific range either ACT including O-Town and Danites Kane. Starting with Create Group 2Didi served as an executive producer in the series.
Ever since the show ended in 2009, members of Danity Kane, including O’dee’s shelter and Dawn Richards They spoke about the alleged treatment they encountered while working on Didi. The musical tycoon was arrested in September 2024 and accused of trading sex, racketeering and transportation for prostitution. He pleaded not guilty of all charges.
In February 2025, Sarah RiversWho appeared further Create Group 2 As a member of Da Band, he filed a lawsuit against Diddi, accusing him of sexual harassment. In the statement, the lawyers Didi called the claims “false”, adding: “Mr Hrebeni remains confident that he will prevail in court.”
Continue to scroll the analysis of all charges against Diddz from the former Creation group Stars:
O’dee’s shelter

In September 2024 O’Dei (Danity Kane member with 2006-2007) claimed that Didi tried to dictate her appearance while she was in the team. “From Didi I saw him a few sides, but I don’t know who I was talking to this, was sober. It was always an element of something that was happening,” she said Rene Grania during an interview in the “Queen Crysis”.
“He’s on the camera that tells me how much he hates, but he leaves the camera, telling me all the ways I needed to look properly, down to my nails on his feet,” she continued. “At the same time, I was sent from the studio session because my fingers were not sanded properly.”
In another interview, Podkosta, the same month, O’Dei reflected on what was fired from Danity Kane in 2008. “I was so young, and so many things were on me,” she said at the Vine’s “Off The Vine”. “I was fired on national television because I was overly confused and disorder. It’s actually an unlawful termination. This is a lawsuit against many people.”
Sarah Rivers

In a lawsuit filed in February 2025 and considered US WeeklyRivers, who was at the exhibition from 2002 to 2004, claimed that Didi and forcing the group’s staff and subjected to other “inhumane” treatment, including control when and how she slept and mocked her for suffering from bulimia.
Ricky also claimed that he had sexually attacked her when she walked down the hall, claiming he was standing so close that “he could kiss her and ask her low, sensual voice as in her business when she was fine and if she needed something.”
She then claimed that Diddz then “used his left hand to set up () the jacket collar, and then held his left hand over his chest, repeating the phrase if she needed something to tell him.”
Didzi denied River’s demands a statement in Usto say, Speaking of the way out: “This is another example of false claims filed against Mr. Kombs. No matter how much court lawsuits are filed, it will change the fact that Mr. Kombs have never been sexual attacks and has not been sex for anyone – a man or a woman, an adult or a minor. In New York, it is clear that the adapters are racing at the last minute that is indisputable.
In January 2025, Didi took a lawsuit against River Ariel Mitchela’s lawyer, accusing her of defamation of news. He accused Mitchela and other persons involved in “nourishing media -war, making terrible claims and exciting unreasonable speculation” about sex strokes who allegedly participated in him and other unnamed celebrities.
The rivers told about their former boss for the first time in a documentary about Paulina January 2025 Didi: Create a bad boy. “When he was angry with one of the members of my band, he said, ‘You so crazy me that he wanted to eat your flesh,” she said in the movie.
In response to a documentary, Didi’s representatives said Us In the statement: “This documentary processes and perpetuates the same lies and conspiracy theories that have been launched against Mr. Kombs for months. Fertilizing to see NBC and Pauline rolling in the same dirt as unethical tabloid journalists. Journalism of such a worst kind. “
D. Woods

In January 2025 Woods, Member of Danity Kane from 2005 to 2008 to ABC News’ Eva Pilgrim This reveals an environment that was emotionally and verbally abusive.
“You know what he did it with all of us, choosing and nominating and just a way to read and knock down, but then praise you,” she explained in “Good Morning”. “Someone constantly treats you as meat.”
Woods also participated in the opening documents Drop by DidiThe premiere of the premiere in January 2025. In one episode, she claimed that O’Dei told her about the behavior of the Diddi, which made her uncomfortable.
“I remember she shared with me that he sent her a lot of very inappropriate shots,” Woods said. “I saw a lot of things he e -mail is very sexy … pornographic things he wanted to do with her. She was just like,” What to do? “
Dawn Richard

Richard, also danity Kane, filed your own lawsuit Against Didi in September 2024. In the court documents received by US Weekly, Richard claimed to see how Didi physically abused his ex -girlfriend Cassie. In addition, she claimed that he made Richard rehearse up to 48 hours at the same time, which led to dehydration and fatigue.
Richard also claimed that Didi once broke into his wardrobe and touched her inappropriately, and, in a separate incident, closed her in the car for two hours.
In response to the fact that Didi Chock, Richard and her Didd, were evidenced by dirty money, his knee -duty comrade, tried to convince her to leave her relationship. After the Diddi learned, he allegedly said to them, “You do not enter into my relationship. Don’t tell my bitch (Kese) what she needs to do. Just make money and close the F – up. I finish the artists, I press a career. You might disappear. You bitches want to die today.”
Diddy denied Richard’s accusations through his prosecutor Eric Wolf, who told us: “Mr. Harobile is shocked and disappointed. In an attempt to rewrite the story, Richard now made a series of false claims in the hope of trying to get a salary – conveniently timed.”
John Doy
In October 2024, Prosecutor Tony Buzby filed a lawsuit Against Diddi, who claimed that rapper attacked the age of 17, which was being listened to the creation of the group in 2008. The victim said there had been three auditions for the show and claimed that everyone had ordered him to perform sexual actions on himself and his bodyguard, called “T.” Acts were allegedly intended to check how bad the boy wanted to become a singer. The victim was also ultimately devoid of competition.
In response to the lawsuit, said Diddy representative Us“The lawyer behind this lawsuit is interested in the media, not by the truth, as it is clearly from his constant speeches in the press and 1-800. As we said earlier, Mr. COMBS could not respond to each new advertising trick, even in response to claims that are particularly inappropriate.”
If you or anyone you know have been sexually attacked, contact the national hotline of the sexual attack on 1-800-656-Hope (4673).