Doomday, But Will Portal Back in Secret Wars

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with Endless War and Game over firmly in the rear-view mirror, there is now something of an established expectation of what is coming new The Avengers movie will be like: mostly so Super Smash Bros. Ultimate “Everybody’s here!” meme, but with superhero actors. so far Last Judgment was no exception to this, collecting ex The Avengers stars i thought it was done with mcu like they are the latest batch of infinity stones. But there was no exception so far.

This comes mostly thanks to Benedict Cumberbatch, who confirmed today in a new profile with Diversity that Doctor Strange will no to don his magical cloak for Avengers: Judgment Day next year. “Is that a spoiler,” the actor wondered, before immediately adding, “Shit!”

According to Cumberbatch, Strange was originally cast in the film while he was still Khan Dynastybut radical overhaul of the Marvel plans that came after studio cut ties with actor Jonathan Majors after he was charged with reckless assault at the end of 2023 change things. And fear not, Sorcerer Supreme fans: as Strange skips Last Judgmenthe has a major role in the subsequent film Secret Warswith Cumberbatch adding that “‘He’s pretty central to where things could go.’

This may not be the end of it his time in the MCU or. “They’re very open to discussing where we can go from here,” Cumberbatch teased. “Who do you want to write and direct next? What part of the comics do you want to explore in order for Strange to continue to evolve?’ He is a very rich character to play. He’s a complex, conflicted, troubled man who has these extraordinary abilities, so he has powerful things to mess with.

That’s understandable Avengers: Judgment Day it won’t have everyone in it, of course – at this stage in the life of the MCU, such a thing is impossible. But it is It will be interesting to see how much Marvel’s plans were changed by Kang’s removal from production. Time will tell who will also have to be absent Last Judgment as we approach its May 2026 release date.

Want more io9 news? See when to expect the latest Marvel, Star Warsand Star Trek releases, what’s next for DC Universe on film and televisionand everything you need to know about the future of Doctor Who.


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