Dino Patti reacted Jumpsip and make investments in viewers creator Sad Sowl Studios

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Jumpsip a full circle came. As co -founder Dino Patty He acquired JumpSPip again after selling it in 2022 to Thunderful, which closed Jumpsprip in November 2024.

In an interview with Gamesbeat, Patty also said he made an investment in the Saw Owl studios, the manufacturer of Indie Hit Visefinder.

Patty and Chris Olson founded Jumpship in 2017 to make someville. They developed the game and it was acquired in November 2022 by Thunderful. The game started and Olson left the company.

But in November 2024, Thunderful had cuts and closed a jump. Patty said he has now implemented Jumpsipip, along with shares in the Saw Owl studios, and is preparing to restart Jumpsip in an exciting and unexpected new direction – currently in Stealth mode.

Someville had a dark emotional vibration.

This sounds like a crazy course of playing company events, but given the last 30 months of turmoil in games, this is not an unexpected turn of events. And so far there is a happy result.

“Jumpship has always been to press the boundaries of emotions, telling stories and innovation in the games,” Patty said. “I want to take the company in a whole new direction while I remain true to this vision.”

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjwdc4th4- e

While retaining details under packaging so far, Patty, which is based in Denmark, hints at a broader change in the industry.

“I still can’t pick up the veil, but I really believe the current publishing landscape is stagnant,” he said. “He needs full repairs to serve better talented game developers and most importantly -players.”

He added: “This is more than a business solution; It is about reigning the passion and vision that first caused Jumpsipip – until they took it further than ever. “

How did the deal happen

Dino Patty
Dino Patty

Speaking of the studies of sad owls, Patty shared his enthusiasm.

“Sad Owl Studios is an amazing team with a repeated IP, viewer, under their belt. I can’t wait to show you what they cook, “Patty said.

After Thunderful went through his restructuring, Patty managed to get owned by Someville back, although he was empty as everyone was fired.

“I was cooking something and invented a truly exciting idea that is based on the basic values ​​that you love in Someroville,” Patty said. “This is expanding what we are doing to the whole industry. And without saying too much, I think the way publishers work now is not very useful. “

He said many do not deliver the value they pay for the developers. It is essentially very expensive as publishers often take 50% of the developers’ revenue in some of the oldest deals.

“I think there must be a break in the publishing space, and this, without saying too much, can be the way,” he said. “I demand Jumpship and Somerville.”

Deals for sad owls are engaged in

Sad studios created a viewfinder
Sad Stories about Owl created a viewfinder

Meanwhile, the viewfinder was built by Matt Stark and developer Robot Teddy. Robot Teddy was acquired by Thunderful in October 2021, and Robot Teddy was renamed as Sad Owl Studios. Now Patty has made a minority investment in sad owl studios.

“They are part of the strategy that goes on. And it’s also just an amazing team and it’s a viewfinder, he’s done very well, “Patty said.

Patty determines how many people can hire, but it is unlikely to return them to all. Now he maintains his goal intentionally vaguely.

“We will adjust all the work,” Patty said. “I will bring at least one person on board and see how it goes forward.”

One of the things he definitely wanted to do was save Someville because he was afraid he would be forgotten. Patty saw him as a very emotional game, and that reminded him of the titles he had worked on before.

“Pure emotion never goes out of style,” he said.

Still in coherence

Dino Patty (left) and Thade Gregorik are co -founders of consistency.
Dino Patty (left) and Thade Gregorik are co -founders of consistency.

Patty, meanwhile, is still CEO of ConsistencyWhich allows for a multiplayer games where thousands of players can participate in the same game. There are significant customers who use technology such as Vampire Survivor and Bossa Studios, which have three games based on coherent multiplayer network technology. Coherence works with Lego.

“The product we have now is really amazing,” he said. “We work directly with developers in creating their games. We guarantee that they can repeat and test really quickly and optimize it. “


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