Did Tom Cruz and Transeman’s Tom Statem connect?
In the “poster” Michael Man, the driver of the cab of Los -Andgeles Max Duroher (Jamie Fox) spends his nights, collecting and throwing customers in a busy city. Mann is introduced to the bright texture of the city at nightThe thin beauty of the saturated neon streets and the terrible silence that fills the close, empty alleys. Seems something ominous hides under the lull of everyday cheerful, and this mood is expressed in the form Vincent (Tom Cruise), Acquer who takes Max hostage After planting in the cab as a client. The game in the tense cat and the mouse follows … But the strange incident happens even before Vincent Max’s board and terrorizes the person to the end.
When Vincent comes to the airport in the opening of the film, he comes across a man who presents him with a bag. This man who plays no one else, like Jason Steat, is attributed exclusively as a “airport man”, raising questions about this sharp kame, which later does nothing. But if we overcome the brain and pass the list of Jason Stem Heroes that would fit the bill, we will remain, believing it is so Frank Martin, Fravenry driver for rental in the movies “The Twisporter”. In this trilogy, Franco’s task is to carry shady subjects with a policy that does not raise questions, but it changes after it becomes into a terrible transaction that pushes its ethical boundaries.
Although this may assume that the Cameo Stemo at the 2004 Knowledge as the introduction of the “Transporter” films, a frank driver for a vacation and usually does not hand over parcels in public. However, there is reason to believe that the “tabs” and “transporter” can share the same universe, because people who participate in both films have confirmed this connection. Let’s study this theory in detail.
Frank Martin Transporter (several) canonically in the side universe
Louis Leterer, who led the first two “carrier” films, talked Belly In 2005, he confirmed that the hero of the stem in the “Location” is none other than Frank Martin:
“If (” TRANSPORTER 2 “2005) are not successful or quite successful, we may make a television show. It will be a good idea goodbye, goodbye.
Although this is enough confirmation, the script of the “Bitty” by Stewit Biti also weighed this theory of the joint university on the “Posts” (VIA Dark horizons). It should be noted that the tone of the bit here is closer to the fun runoff, unlike it, stating a specific fact, especially when we carefully study the last half of our statement:
“Absolutely, Frank Martin from the” transporter “. Head, it’s absolutely he.”
If we take the words of benefits and beat for denomination, it is worth creating a plausible temporary scale that could act as The bridge between the first “transporter” and “key”. Let’s look at the facts: by the end of the “transporter” Frank leaves France and moves to Miami, Florida, deciding to become a temporary chauffeur to leave his past behind (as shown at the beginning of “Transporter 2”). It only makes his presence in Los -Angeles unlikely, but it is also strange that Frank will deliver the package personally (not in the car that is his mo). The theory of the general universe works only if the term fails where the presence of Franco at the airport can be explained as the “carrier” aspect of his life. This can be a period of time in which Frank had unscrupulous ties with a grand organization, which justified communication with hitmen like Vincent.
But again, it’s just a theory, and we can never find out for sure until Mann or Stetem himself confirm this connection. So far, we can draw a fun parallel between a clumsy, unpredictable hit and a shady driver for a rental that eventually grows the spine.