Details of Narnia reveal the potential big shift to adapt Netflix Greta Gerwig

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Note: Potential spoilers For the future adaptation of the Narnia Chronicle Netflix, the Chronicle!

If Netflix bought rights to the Narnia Chronicle, At that time, the source officer on Ted Saranandos said: “Favorite stories” CS Lewis “” Chronicles “resonated with generations of readers around the world. Families fell in love with heroes such as Aslan and the whole world of Narnia, and we and we and we and We are delighted with their home for years to come. ” It was in October 2019. Since then, the world has survived the pandemia, and Saranandos received the post in co -chairman Netflix. The company also signed inspired (but also horrified) Greta Gervig To stuff your first adaptation of “Narnia” and release the movie in IMAX theaters all over the day of thanks by 2026 (something Gervig pressed his head with Netflix for a while).

This may seem great activity, and the presence of Gervig on board is definitely a big deal. But in fact, for more than a decade, the Netflix Netflix project has just entered the screen. The pace of the glaciers continues as Netflix has published minimal information about the project at this stage. Be that as it may, really all goes behind the scenes with a small Narniaweb.

Sawka claims that the site received a copy of the Casting Casting for Adaptation Gervig, adding that the film is looking for children’s actors in a real style. However, the number and age of these actors tell. That’s what was reported on the site:

“Products (SIC) are looking for two children, a boy and a girl to display characters who are 10 or 11 years old. At this stage, the description does not indicate any specific physical characteristics of roles such as height or height or hair color.

This potential shooting schedule makes sense, given that the film focuses on the release at the end of 2026. However, the largest detail here is the presence of not four but two children. Lewis Lion’s book “Introductory Narnia” Lion, Witch and Disturb “focus on the quartet of the main characters in the forms of the song: Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy (played William Moseli, Anna Popplewell, Scandar Kens, Kens In the film adaptation of “Disney” 2005). If this news is accurate, and Gervig is looking for two older children to head her project, it may mean that she is preparing to adapt another Lewis novel: “The Wizard’s Nephew”.


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