Corruption is more than a decade in many nations, shows a survey

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Berlin – Many countries, such as the United States and France, the leading state sector of authoritarian nations, such as Russia and France, most of the state sector corruption, the most index.

Transparency International, which compiled the annual corruption perception index, found that 180 countries investigated in 180 were used in 2012 for the use of the current methodology for the global rating. “Global” corruption levels are diligently high to reduce anxiety. ”

The group also pointed out to strive to fight corruption in the world Climate change. The absence of transparency and accountability mechanisms, which increases the risk of appropriations or abuse of climate funds, and “inappropriate influence” prevents the approval of ambitious policies often from the private sector.

The organization measures the public sector corruption, including the World Bank, including World Economic Forum and Private Risk and Consulting Companies. 180 “Highly Corruption” places the “very clean” on a scale of 100 “high levels”.

Transparency International said that global secondary, 2023, in 43, in 43, in 43 of the 50 years of the 50 countries left in 43. Denmark, 88 to 88 and Singapore and Singapore were first held in the first place with 90 points after Finland. New Zealand fell to two points in fourth and fourth to the third and fourth.

South Sudan, although the last country fell to the ninth place, slipped under eight points, with eight points. He followed them 10 and Venezuela with Syria.

The United States has slipped from 69 points to 65 and 24th place. Transparency has criticized the International Court of Judicia. The US Supreme Court accepted the first Ethics Code in 2023, but “serious questions about the lack of meaningful, objective protection mechanisms and the lack of strength of the new rules.”

France’s support for the mountainous continuation was included in France, which fell to 67 and five points; Germany, three points to 75 and six to 15. It was tied with Canada, a point and three places.

Transparency International said that Mexico decreased by 26 points, because the body could not be taken in major corruption.

“Former President Andrés Manuel López said that the six-year term promising to return the assets to resolve the corruption to the people,” he said.

In the first full full year of Prime Minister Robert Fikon in Europe, about 49 points in the first full year, “Numerous reforms erode anti-corruption inspections and mass consultations.”

Russia has already decreased in recent years, Russia has spilled up to 22 points last year. Transparency International noted Moscow’s full-scale occupation of Ukraine In February 2022 “later authoritarianism”. This is Ukraine, while the score dips a point to 35, “The forensic independence and high-level corruption are judging.”

In the Middle East and North Africa, corruption efforts are “Bleak”, as they are definitely used by political leaders, “he said. This said. For example, the President in Syria After the collapse of Bashar al-Assad’s government. Sub-Saharan Africa was the lowest average account in any region, 33.

In Asia and the Pacific “Governments” are still failing to convey to corruption, “he said.


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