Coldplay’s Mumbai, Ahmedabad live shows open up India’s doors to concert economy

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When Prime Minister Naryilla Modi spoke about the “concert economy” after the success of the British rock band Coldplay in India, it was a clear sign in the form of a huge market. India hosted live shows for at least four decades, but just the cold scale stands out and remains unprecedented.

Easily, most important Takeaway is the fact that the distance was not restraining. Ahmedabad Naryendra “Modi” stadium was hosted by more than 2.2 GEL fans of the two night presentations (called the music of the fields held on January 25 and 26). This made it a concert of the largest stadium in the century. The exhibitions in Ahmedabad were preceded at the DY Patil Stadium of Navi Mumbai.

Even the most conservative assessments suggest that at least 70 percent of the audience came out of town in Ahmedabad. For example, take Ravi Joshi, who traveled by train to Mumbai only to keep the cost of hotel accommodation and ticket. The tour family has trip and paid one head to one head in one show and 25,000 Rs 25,000 Rs Hotel. “The same room is available at 6000 Rs today, but this is once in life,” he exclaims.

Showcase the secret to how much to increase. In case of Coldplay, Disney + Hotstar has been a living stream, and the numbers tell a story. There were 83 lakh views and 16.5 cavities during the watch. “This minor digital experience has turned live rooms into virtual arenas, showing how roof technology unites the experience of shared by the nation.”

Andre Timins, co-founder and director WizCraft International Entertainment in the business of events is clearly bright about what is before. “The business of total entertainment will be much more seriously taken, in the sense that it is no longer about cricket. Coldplay’s success can easily lead Taylor Swift or Beyonce, because they now want a piece of Indian market, “he said.

The real opportunity is not only in the success of the show. According to him, the monetization lies products such as goods, and what goes to Youtube. “These are sustainable long-term income options and can grow. It is a great way to build the fans, and success in Ahmedabad proves that the location is connected or related to anything. “

Ficci-Ey Media and Enternation section said that the organized live events increased by 20% in 2023, reaching 8,800 Rs, crossing its initial levels. “The growth was due to government events, personal events and weddings and ticket events, including a number of international formats,” says it. The interesting part is that 63% of the surveyed marketers (as part of the report) planned to increase their events and activate the activation in the next two years. “Consequently, we expect that the segment of live events will increase 18% 1 Cage in the next three years, to reach 14,300 RS by 2026,” he said.

There are no relatively smaller centers or live events. The story is important. “Growth will be hampered by premium and international properties, as well as Pants, Jipur, Ahmedabad, Visag, Lake, Patna, Aodia, Tradadrum and Kosh.” It is clear that there is no limit to this great opportunity.


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