Climate change finds more learning from South Sudan heat wave
After a blistered heating wave in the capital of South Sudan, dozens of students crashed from the heating kick, officials closed schools in two weeks. It was the second time in less than a year The youth of the country’s schools were closed to protect from extreme heat from the deadly impact.
Climate change due to the burning of fossil fuel in rich peoples, at least one week of this heat wave, probably 2 degrees 2 degrees hotAccording to a new study by world weather. In some parts of the region, the temperature reached 42 degrees or in the last week of February 42 degrees or 107 degrees Fahrenheit.
Analysis used air data, observations and climate models to obtain unknown but based results Standard methods.
South Sudan, in the tropical group of East Africa, was torn by the Civil War Independence from Sudan in 2011. It is also one of the least responsible countries for heating greenhouse gas emissions. “The continent contributed to a small part of global emissions, but puts the basis of climate change,” said Joyce Kimutai, who is a researcher in the Center for Enlighten London Environmental Policy Center.
Is one of the heat waves Deadliest Extreme Air Events and it became more faster and more violent on the planet of warming. However, the analysis methods connecting death to deaths vary between countries and the dead and the number of deaths can be changed and can be changed in months after an event.
Long-term heating, children, older adults and pregnant women are especially dangerous. Over the past three weeks, there is a large area of ​​continental East Africa, including excessive heat, Kenya and Uganda parts. There are a difficult instrument for countries where many people are inhabited and drinking water, many people are in the open air, a very cool and modest apartment.
Juba, South Sudan’s capital and largest city, a total of 1 percent of the city, there is a green place to help the inhabitants of the refrigerator who can not get comfort. However there are adaptations.
“While ventilation, wood and painting schools are adapted to school calendars and class schedules, can help adapt to school calendars and class schedules,” he said.
South Sudan is especially susceptible after war and food insecurity. In 2018, the peace deal was completed in more than 400,000 civil war, but Tensions remain within the country and Political arrests reported This week.
“A country, which looks at the periods of a country and instability facing the climate change, South Sudan and economic problems, is becoming more difficult,” said Dr. Guigma.
As global temperatures continue to rise, similar excessive heat waves in February can occur once every 10 years. If the warming is doubled by the end of the century, similar heat waves can occur every year. In March, high temperatures in the region are forecasted in the region.