Claiming Trump Deportation against Panama

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On Saturday, a group of high-ranking lawyers in Panama, the president’s deported migrants, the president’s new policy of migrants from all over the world has filed a lawsuit against the panamay.

The lawsuit against the Government of Human Rights against the Government of Human Rights was arrested in a jungle in a jungle as the bidders of Panama, according to a copy of the New York Times.

The suit claims that the United States violates the right of the Iranian group as a religious persecution of the Iranian group and violated local and international laws, such as Panama’s American Convention for Human Rights, for example, internal and international laws in the maintenance of migrants.

The lawsuit was removed only against Panama, although one of the lawyers said that this week planned to give a separate complaint against the US Homeland Security Department next week.

Panama President Raul Mulino, Astrid Salazar, Astrid Salazar President Raul Mulino, Astrid Salazar, said that the Panamanian government of migrants said. “These are not in our command, but also the UN and UNHCR.”

There are migrants held in a fenced camp Armed Panamanan protected by police officers and the Panama Security Ministry controls the facility to the object. The international organization for international migration and UN refugee agency has no regular entity and the camp, which they have no responsible for migrants, they said they offer a humanitarian support such as providing money for food.

The costume requires a commission on Saturday that the commission has issued an emergency order that none of the migrants held in the jungle camp should not be deported to the countries of origin.

“There is no internal or international authority to keep the people of Panama in these conditions,” said Ian Kysel, Cornell Law School and Bidders’ professor of clinical law on guide advice.

In mid-February, the Trump administration recently opened a new front front in the world’s efforts to depend the migrants from the center of the world to the Central America. About 300 flew to Panama In a hotel in the city of Panama, including 10 Iran converts, a few children between them.

There were more than 100 people who do not agree to return to their country of originATR was transferred to a detention camp near Darién JungleWhere do they stay.

Trump management, for this reason, thanked for help in solving the problems of migration. However, the arrival of deports and their arrests, the United Nations, but the United Nations, human rights activists and lawyers, human rights activists and lawyers, the problem of human rights and lawyers were conducted without criminal accusations.

The Human Rights Commission is a seven-member body, including members of the United States Organization, including Panama. It is planned to use the internal legal choices of individuals or when they are approaching irreparable damage and the bidders should be legally protected.

The commission may not apply sanctions, but may come with political risks without ignoring their decisions.

José Miguel Vivanco, a foreign relations council, a specialist in Latin American human rights and council, said that if the commission decides in favor of the plaintiffs, the Panama said.

To rule in favor of the bidders, the commission stopped the leaders of Mr. Trump’s leaders in Panama and other places in Panama could make it difficult.

After sending migrants to Panama, the Trump management sent 200 migrants, including 200 migrants from Central Asia, Middle East and Eastern Europe. As in Panama, migrants are carried out in a distant facility of several hours from the capital.

Mr. Kysel is expected to take legal measures against other countries in Latin America, including Chu’s Consta Rica, including legal measures against other countries, including Costa Rica.

In both cases, the Central American governments said they planned to deport their homes quickly. In the case of the court, lawyers claim that the deportation for Iranian Christians will be “Tumble loss”, as Iran’s law is a crime to become Islam and death.

“I am afraid of the people of Panama,” An artemis Ghasemzade, who said, “Ashmic Ghasemzade, who was sworn in the lawsuit, I want to seek asylum in the United States and live as a Christian in the United States.”

Ms. Ghasemzade, 27, In December, he fled from Iran and left Mexico on the southern US borderHe announced his suffering in media interviews. He first deported the panama and was deported to the panama, a video that spreads so wide online attracted global attention.

The commission usually made decisions in such cases, Mr. Vivanco said.

He said the bidders were very high in order to protect against the bidders. However, taking into account the policy against Iran’s converted Christians, the lawsuit was a chance. “I think this intends to attract everyone’s attention,” he said.

Mr. Kysil said that the lawsuit was refreshed by Mr. Trump’s participation in the deportation plans of the law.

“Any other country in Panama and the region is legal responsibility, asylum seekers are expelled and deported by the United States, if deported,” he said.

The lawsuit is the result of cooperation between lawyers and legal groups in many countries.

Ali Herischi, one of the lawyers, Iranian Pro Bono, said that this week planned to filter a separate claim against the Department of Homeland Security. The court was deported on behalf of Ms. Ghasemzade and nine Iranian Christians, three of them in children, Panama and three Iranian Costa Ricain.

The representative of the Patriotic Security Department previously claimed that none of the migrants “claimed to return to their countries during processing or in control.”

Ms. Ghasemzadeh has repeatedly asked to fill the paperwork for shelter, but immigration officers in the camp in the camp in California in California This was not the time.

Mr Herischi said that the deportation and desires of the action will protest the legality of their deportation as a tool to apply for asylum in the United States.


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