China to build deepwater station in South China Sea
China has confirmed the construction of a deep sea research facility in the South China Sea to support sea studies.
The station claims that it is one of the deepest and advanced technological underwater settings in the world, the target operating date at around 2030.
The details of the plant’s design were revealed by the South China Ocean Ocean Seacrow Institute of the China Academy of Sciences, along with its partners in the journal published in the magazine. Production and modernization todayA number
“Construction should start soon,” Yin and his team wrote that the goal was closely cooperated with a drone and ports and docks.
In an area of ​​the surface area is 2,000 m below, it is said that it is rich in resources and subject to many territorial requirements. Southern China Mail It said that the research station will study the coldest ecosystems that have methane rich hydrothermal air conditioners, which have a unique daytime.
The institution will be formed for up to one month of missions six scientists.
It will present advanced life support systems, creating a monitoring network – methane flows, ecological changes and tectonic movements.
The station is expected to be a larger infrastructure network, including the coastal fibrop and drilling ship Mengxiang, which has ambitions to reach the country’s videos.
The source of electricity for the station remains undisclosed, but experts compared it to the stations of the US and Soviet era, which used nuclear reactors.
South China’s Sea is estimated at 70 billion tons of methane moisturizes, which is about half of China’s proven oil and gas reserves.
The region also contains rare mineral deposits such as cobalt and nickel, three times higher than the land-based mines.
In addition, more than 600 types of extreme conditions have been found in the area, some with enzymes that are considered to be treated as decisive cancer.
“China will build a deep station in the Sea of ​​Northern China” originally created and published World construction networkGlobaldata owned brand.
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