Carl Urban’s favorite action movie finds a new audience on Max

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More than ten years after he could not find his audience in theaters, now a favorite sci-fi/combat film finds a new audience in streaming. Dredd, released in 2012, and in the lead role of Charles Urban as a titular judge of Dreda, became a hit of Max since his return to the streaming service recently. Yes, it has become one of the most popular films about the service as a whole.

“Dredd” as writing it Flixpatrol. It only passes Michael Kitan in 2024 in the lead role “Gudrich”. It is also convenient sitting over other disposable hits For example, adaptation to Video Games Tom Holland “Uncharted” and “speed” among others. One of the key differences here is that many films in The Streamer have now been successful on its day, including the Final Destination Franchise, which has several records on this list. This was not the case for Urban’s unhappy adaptation.

Director Pete Travis, “Dredd” is based on a very popular comic book series “AD”. This is also the same comic that inspired Sylvester Stallon poorly considered the movie “Judge Dred” in the 90s. Travis and screenwriter Alex Garland, the glory of “28 days” and “Civil War”, managed to put a truly exciting, kikese, streamlined felop of action in a wonderful implemented distinguished future. The only problem? The audience largely ignored this when it came out.

Dredd continues to find love through the years after its original release

For those who need a little advanced training, cinema focuses on Dreda (Carl Urban), most afraid of all judges who are futuristic police officers with the force of judges, jury and executioners. It is designed to prepare the newcomer of Cassandra (Olivia Tirlby), and they are quickly urged to investigate the death crime in a 200-storey slum, which is controlled by a vicious drug named Ma Ma (Lena Hedi). They capture someone from her inner circle, and Ma-Ma-mamining in the connection. The bullets fly and the chaos comes.

Despite the fact that earning very strong reviews and obtained incredibly well those who saw it, the movie could not break a lot of business. Against the budget of $ 45 million, “Dredd” earned only $ 41 million in the rental worldwide, securing it as a bomb. This is a great example of a great movie that gets a raw cause that can feel unpleasant for viewers who would like to see more like things from Hollywood studios.

Fortunately, over the years since their initial release, people caught up with “Dredd” and called for a sequel at different points. In 2017 we learned that a TV show called “Judge Dore: Mega-City One” was in the development What Urban expressed interest in the lead role. He never came true and was not a different feature film. It’s annoying, but it also makes it more satisfying to see this gem in finding its audience all these years later. There are at least some justice in the world.

You can also pick up “Dredd” on 4K, Blu-ray or DVD from Amazon.


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