Cameron Diaz has one rule to continue to make movies after action
After 11 years from our screens, Cameron Diaz returned to dominate Netflix Along with Jamie Fox with her espionage action “return to action”. The film sees how the duo plays loving parents and former CIA agents who make them return to the field when their old enemies arise and violate their happy home life. Of course, Diaz, of course, is not new to participate in some good choreographic stages. In the end, she starred in a pair of films “Charlie Angels” in 2000 and 2003 and even joined Tom Cruz at a whirlwind in 2010 “Knight and Day”.
Now that she came back to making movies After disappearing from Hollywood for ten yearsWill we see more dias on our screens in the future? More precisely, can its future include the types of meetings-these, which often end when it is swept away in the romes in which it was shot? Speaking in an interview with EmpireDiaz makes his position on this issue: “No more rom complexes, only moms.”
Even after “back in action”, heads streaming graphs on Netflix, dias remains uncertain about whether its visit to the camera. “If I say this, then it becomes this business. I leave the right to say” not to make a movie “and I leave the right to say” yes “if you decide,” Diaz explained. “I don’t define anything. I’m just open for what makes sense for me and my family at any time.” Fortunately, she was lucky to testify her first -mouth return, they were gifted with a rare and incredibly classy moment.
Crew Action Action saw that Cameron Diaz is still 100%
Directed by Seth Gordon did not expect the air to always be guaranteed when the big screen icon approaches the kit, and in case of returning Cameron Diaz into the “back in action”, Set Gordon is no less. Saying with Hollywood reporter Gordon confessed to the actor’s return in his film that he was still surprised to see how much her A-Mad Diaz brought to the project, especially during one key stage. As he said:
“Well, before she was even on the set, she began to train on the sequences of the tricks. So”
In the movie “Close Game” Ginny Kurtis, which has as much experience in this area as her daughter, who has already retired (and legendary) sniper mi6. “The mother and the daughter go to each other and she fully brought it. It is really complex material to make at the beginning of the schedule, and it was obvious that she was still one hundred percent,” Gordon assured. “She still has it. We all looked at and looked like,” Holy S ***, it is so good. ”
The only other diaz project is currently confirmed to return “Shrek 5”, which is also connected with her long -standing acting compatriots Mike Meers, Eddie Murphy and Antonio Banderas. Hopefully, after that, her tear from the camera is not long.