Buffy Vampire killer almost gave the willow a different hair color

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By Chris Snowlings
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In the world Buffy -VampireHair color is a simple way to say who is who. For example, from the original trio of the women’s characters, the leading lady Buffy is a bold blonde, Cardelia is a brazen brunette, and the willow is a restrained redhead. However, the actor Willow Alyson Hannig later showed that all three houses initially had the same shade of hair, and she jumped on Joos Wadan’s offer to give one participant of this irritating trio red.

The willow chose hair color

Waddon had not previously held a show Buffy -VampireBut he was quite smart even then to know that viewers needed simple ways to distinguish characters from each other. According to Belarus Alison Hanigan’s star, her willow hero got only the iconic color of red hair after Wedon expressed concern that she, she, she, she, she, she Sarah Michel GelarAnd in Charrisma Carpener was a “same shade” of brown hair. He asked, “Whoever wants to be red,” and Hanigan says she “went for it.”

As Belarus Shovrounner may not think about it far forward, giving hair color Willow Red While was the perfect choice for her character. Culturally speaking, red hair is often associated with wild, not engineering and even strange. However, in the first seasons of the Willov show was nothing like, and her hero got like an archetypal fall of the series.

Why then was Belarus Showrunner solution give willows color ore hair so perfect? Basically, she leaves her shell throughout the series, which is predicted by an episode of the 3rd season when she encountered a vampire version from another dimension.

This version was a seductive leather mom that used sex as a weapon, and, entertaining, this embodiment, this epitome of willow was much closer to the sustainable stereotype of redheads as seductive charm. Rudy Mane Willov made the personality and the wardrobe version of the vampire much more convincing, and the hair color was much more perfect, because its human self slowly became more like her vampire’s vanity.

While Buffy -Vampire Vampire Never put the usual willow in the clothes of the Domme version of the vampires outside this episode, her red hair also helped sell some of her later, adjacent to the vampires. She jokingly tells her girlfriend Tara that she is “not big with” botch “, but in their relationship the dynamics of the container becomes a more mally girl who was at the top of 1 season, and the willow becomes a witch who admires her increasing power. And those stereotypes about violent redheads certainly completely Evil).

It means this Buffy -Vampire Jos Waddon planned all these characters of the characters and story development when Alison Hanigan jumped on a chance to red hair? Of course, no. Even the biggest fans of the show can admit that most of this was designed on the go, which is mostly why the 6 season was such a hot porridge that was barely saved by musical episodes and a big heel. However, red hair turned out to be ideal for her character, and this is just suitable that everything magically developed when it comes to our favorite screen witch.


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