Bill Gates addresses his post about his friendship with Jeffrey Epstein
Bill Gates finally addresses his reported friendship with a convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein.
“In retrospect, I was stupid to spend any time with him. And he kind of found time with different people by spending time with other people,” Gates, 69, said. Wall Street Journal In a wide-ranging interview published on Friday, January 24. “Yes, yes, I think I was very stupid. I thought it would help me in global philanthropy in the field of health. Actually, it failed to do, it was just a huge mistake.”
Gates went on to say that the controversy surrounding Epstein before his arrest in 2019 and subsequent death in August of that year made him more cautious about meeting new people. “Absolutely,” he said Wall Street Journal. “I mean, are you kidding me?”
In 2022 Gates’ ex-wife Melinda’s French Gate cited his alleged relationship with Epstein as one of the factors that led to their divorce. “It’s not one thing, it was a lot of things. But I didn’t like that he had meetings with Jeffrey Epstein,” she said CBS Morning at that time. “I made it clear to him.”
The French gate also told Gayle King She met Epstein “just once” to understand what he was. “I regretted it the second I walked in the door,” she added. “He was contemptuous. He was evil incarnate. I had nightmares after that. … It was horrible, and he was horrible.”
The authorities began to investigate Sexual assault allegations against Epstein in 2005. Three years later, he was convicted of hiring an underage girl for prostitution and turned to a prostitute. He spent 13 months in prison before being rearrested in July 2019 on federal charges of sex trafficking involving minors. He died by suicide while in prison at the age of 66 a month after his arrest.
His friendship with Epstein isn’t the only connection Gates is reconsidering. In an interview with Times of London Posted on Saturday, January 25, Gabes described his divorce from the French goalkeeper as “the mistake I regret the most”.
He tried to emulate his own parents’ marriage, he added, with his own. “I encouraged Melinda to be a little calmer than my mother, but we were both very driven. I spent more time with the kids than my dad, but the ratio was still 10:1, and Melinda did most things for the kids. We had a great time. time”.
Gates also said he thinks there’s “a certain beauty in spending your entire adult life with one person.” He added: “When Melinda and I met I was quite successful, but not ridiculously successful – it was during the time we were together. So she saw a lot of me. When we divorced it was difficult and then she accepted decision to leave the foundation – I was disappointed that she took the opportunity to leave.”
In addition to the divorce, he also said that he experienced other setbacks – “but no one cared”.