Belgium is a government organizes a government after twigs of 7 months

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Belgium has reached an agreement to create a coalition government in the nation’s monarchy on Friday declaredSeven months ended to exceed seven months, social spending and unpopular cuts to other issues. Completeness of the agreement has not yet been officially released.

The new government was established under the leadership of the leaders of the leader of the Conservative Flemish Nationalist Party Bart de Wever. The party won Elections in June 17 percent of the votes, with the largest share perfidiousA distant separatist party has won a superior victory.

With the consent of Friday, Mr. Wever, Migration and Pension and Pension of Migration and Heath-A care systems are preparing to be the next prime minister in the country that leads the five-way coalitions. Mr. De Wever’s party has joined forces with a liberal reformer movement and centrist Les Ragagés, two Francophone Party, as well as the Framal Socialist Party (IRELI) and the party Christian democratic and floss.

Belgium, who is home to both the European Union and NATO headquarters, both the headquarters of the capital, which is a population of 12 million, Brussels only About 3.4 percent of the gross domestic product of the European Union. However, for European peoples, it is common to common problems for an elderly population that increases the price of many problems, including pensions and health care.

For this reason, the nation has a relatively large deficiency, around 4.6 percent Based on the assessments of the gross domestic product last year. EU financial rules came into force last year They increased the pressures to manage expenses.

If the country does not submit a budget plan to the European Union, it must be placed Hard four-year regulation As a result, he can face fines and penalties.

The latest agreement is expected to establish the government, significant budget cuts, increased military spending and some taxes and some taxes. Leakage reported by news authorities before. The details of the agreement still suggested that on Friday night in Belgium, but at least some parties have a very popular spending program.

Side Social MediaThe leader of the leader of the Caternity Party Les Engages Maxime Prévot, “A reform agreement for the future is a reform agreement and today and tomorrow for tomorrow and tomorrow. “

A process stretching to create a government is not new to Belgium; One stop in 2010 and 2011 Set a World Recordpulling 541 days to form a coalition with the parties.

The Belgian compilation negotiations, Flanders, Belgian Netherlands talks and more bent northern region, the nation belongs to deep regions between the French-speaking and more leaning and more bent southern part.

However, this time the addition of an additional complication slowed: the need to retreat in the budget deficit of the nation.

It is a problem in many European countries to make cuts for pension and health. France’s decision He said the country’s Prime Minister will consider a change in the law this month to restrict expenditures caused by mass protests.

Belgium faced its own version of this problem, because it is trying to balance the problematic social norms with a hard financial reality. In recent weeks, teachers, military personnel and trade unions, accepted protests against pension reform proposals leaking News.

The system of Belgium Automatic salary adjustments Inflation was also flashed in the negotiations. The negotiations searched for the government to reduce salary sheets and curb them to correct Belgium More competitiveEven the center and left-winged parties were worried about how workers would affect the employees. Other issues that cause negotiations have been included public Benefits, Pensions, Health Service and suggested Capital gain tax.

The agreement should still be approved by party congresses. Approving the agreement, the Belgian monarchy, the Belgian monarchy, said the Prime Minister will be announced later and new members of the government.


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